[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!

and ici isn’t the convert either

I think Alice might just be NK here. Could it be Ici pushing Alice after a failed unseen nightkill? Idk but whatever the case…Alice isn’t town.


it’s the fact that you start random arguments with people over edge possibilities instead of probabilities, and then pretend that when somebody says something that confirms Alice is never a villager that it was fucking underwhelming and bad

you’re being profoundly unproductive because you’ve just decided to argue with me and wazza

Why are you so convinced that Ici is nontown

to you maybe

oh come the fuck on
how obviously a villager do I have to get
do i have to point at the copypasta again?

Only if Ici’s the convert, tbh. But I’m pretty sure my both targets are town.

Didn’t someone say they’re going to get an exhume on that?

yes, I am. I’m exhuming Seth.

You’re literally the idiot who sees only one possibility for you’re stupid mechanical confirmation, AFTER BITCHING ABOUT MECHANICAL SOLVES.

quick marshal make a boxed in joke

wrong your

Because I have information and your information is irrelevant.

234 posts and Possessed is still annoyed with something.-

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And the ONE possibility is so outlandishly stupid its baffling.

oh I’m already doing that.

It’s really not fucking outlandish.

POSSESSED IS BEING :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

:joy_cat: :joy_cat: BOXED IN:joy_cat: :joy_cat:

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wait aren’t you an invest?