[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!

No, but I claimed it in the thread. I have no f’ing idea why the Unseen decided to convert someone who fake-claimed bleeding d1.

Assumption that you would be healed
Assumption that bleed was fake

It’s not outlandish

Assassin couldn’t have healing, and that means mm mustve taken it

Literally ages ago and I realize now how dumb it was

Right @Wazza

Assassin can only gamble day abils

This would be nonsensical whatsoever.

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also honestly given where my PoE is ‘wolves weren’t actually paying attention to the thread’ seems like a super plausible hypothesis

Would agree with this.

what does that mean for players
I kind of like that pov since it lines up with my threadread

okay but why would you FPS as a Merc?

‘to not die’

I didn’t realize I was night immune with Stand Guard.

Like, the entire argument against me relies on me being a convert. Why the hell would I lie about being bled as BD?

shrug, not my problem I suppose.

Pretty sure someone brought up the idea of executing all of the lowposters yesterday and people didn’t like this. Give them a little more time and a shot?

Hold on one second I have a question.

In order to get protected because ‘bd never fucking pays attention to the game’

it means that a convert-attempt on the person who faked a bleed isn’t implausible

it’s more generally a worse look for Sog/Ami/Wazza/Italy/the zero-posters, since everyone else seemed to basically be paying attention to the thread, at least enough to notice the bleed claim

i was going to respond snarkily
but this is getting into Marl Died Of The Plague territory

I didn’t even realise this game was Unseen only.