[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!

A false alice flip*

Regardless, the play here if Iā€™m suspected of being Unseen is to kill you and then me as you have mechanical evidence that nullifies Iciā€™s red check.

No Alice is Probabaly neut, MM could easily fake a check on them cuz the failed convert

Iā€™m just trying to demonstrate that there are so many possibilities latching to one just because you thought of it isnā€™t healthy

I was more responding to kyoā€™s statement

That and since Iā€™m claiming a Merc and Iā€™m not in Unseen chat could easily have any Unseen members deduce that I am a 3p.

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Kyo, can you walk us through the thought process that led you to peek Alice last night?

ā€œAlice is a wildcardā€ ā€œAlice will probably be jailed and if my action fails I can confirm myself because I have steadfastā€ ā€œAlice will probably mop the floor like a janitor if somebody doesnā€™t do something and sheā€™s evilā€

I didnā€™t really bother to play that seriously d1 as well, so itā€™s no surprise everyone nullā€™d me.

Therefore my thought process was
Alice? Peeked.
Hotel? Trivago.


Iā€™m confirmed Neut. What not?

Youā€™re confirmed Neut?



I get Kyo peeked you and all but how does that confirm you as Neut?

Kyo can easily be Unseen who converted you.

at the very least, I would never lynch Alice before Kyo

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Fair point, but I donā€™t think Kyo would try to protect me were he the MM as Iā€™d be an easy lynch and heā€™s just getting himself potentially lynched here.

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ā€¦hello? The thread died just because Kyo outed his check on me?

The wolves have clearly lost momentum and have been thrown off by my unpredictable check, Alice
Or thatā€™s what you want people to think isnā€™t it you absolute NK murdering liar