[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!

Okay I’m getting mixed signals here
You have FOUR usages of that ability
Why wouldn’t you use it even if you were getting healed

well It wont

Also what the hell Mercenary can be on King???

only if kang is a target

I did use it. I didn’t think that it would make me night immune as I didn’t real my class card throughly.

you have GAMBLE as a passive and didn’t read your card thoroughly bruh

But why would you being night immune change whether or not you would use Stand Guard

this feels like an overreaction to marshal’s claim
i don’t fucking know why he’s doing this but whatever

why is this the first bunch of things i read

irl things are always nai arete
while i sympathize with italy… yeah

oh yeah btw while i’m catching up. my peek from last night is green
idk if there’s any benefit to outing it rn

Your response time and general ISO might suggest a Merc, but I feel you’re good enough to fake it.

I didn’t bother gambling away my actions as they were the best I could for my wincon.

don’t do that unless they’re about to get lynched id assume

Also I think NKs get “you were attacked” indicators, right?

Mercenary can SG king if any of them becomes King.

So here’s what I did. I claimed bleeding so I wouldn’t get attacked. Then I SG’d to protect my most TR’d contract, and at that time I had no idea I’d also become night immune.

i was actually gonna scout marshal initially but i swapped to alice because i had no idea another role with scout would rand
felt like a low chance of that happening

can somebody walk me through why wazza gathered so many votes. was this because y’all believe marshal’s claim that wazza lied or something?

Possessed why do you ask mechanical questions in thread inside of classcard/searching them yourself?



Oh, so the bleed was fake?

Only Reaper, IIRC.

Honestly, I also claimed I don’t know why I was panicking some much, I guess I’ve just been having a panicky day all day tbh.