[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!

Alice’s stand guard prevents people from bus driving people, and anyone visiting them
And why would anybody occupy Alice

Carnage is unlikely since Alice is alive

if your scout trip is accurate wouldn’t it make more sense to vote Amelia

there’s a viable world where she was for some inexplicable reason the N2 convert attempt, and in that world we don’t really have additional information about Zone’s alignment (whereas in the world where Zone and Amelia are the starting Unseen, lynching either of them hits a starting Unseen)

Welp. Found a target to tunnel for the rest of this game.

/vote KyoDaz

No because Zoned is most likely the mastermind.

Oh my

in worlds where Zone/Amelia is exactly Mastermind/Assassin, it doesn’t really make a difference which we lynch first, because promotion is a thing

…admittedly, given that Zone is claiming to have visited Amelia, and you’re claiming a scout trip there, that’s mildly :eyes: given that a tracker is outed

hold on a moment
he does have a point
why would they block my Exhume if they knew Zone had an Exhume as well?

Oh yeah. That promotion BS. I don’t think it carries abilities over though.

Because Zone is an absolute lying mastermind
He doesn’t have an exhume

i’m basically agreeing with your suspicions- it doesn’t make sense as an action unless the wolves have actively not read the thread at all

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it does

Wasnt there someone with a bus drive thing this game?

Oh. In which case, Amelia is the better target to lynch in the extreme offchance Zone isn’t mastermind. /vote Amelia

Yeah, the assassin

the joke is that the only slot that could possibly have not been keeping track of the thread and isn’t clear is Zone, so we’re back at the same place

but i’m still not certain, you have to understand.

either that or the explanation is my beloved lolwolves
but this thought definitely casts serious dobut on Zone

Ah, fair enough. Vul hasnt outed that redcheck he claimed to have yet hasnt he tho?

Can we take a cleaver to Amelia already? She’s practically confirmed converted or Assassin

No he hasn’t yet.

i mean the problem is that Zone has been reasonably kind of villagery today, but I haven’t really been paying attention, and he’s clearing Amelia, but you got a Scout trip and you’re cleared by SogMan who is basically cleared by me who is cleared by my occ on Italy.

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