[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!

I think waiting for that 1st would be smarter

i am regrettably beginning to think we need a massclaim to resolve this nonsense

but we definitely need to weigh the pros and cons first.

why does alice being alive make carnage unlikely?

that would just create more nonsense and we both know this :upside_down_face:

iā€™m trying to figure out whatā€™s happening but iā€™m drawing a blank
let me just ignore social reads and tunnel villagers again pls

:tea: If you want to execute me, by all means, go ahead.
I have itā€™s not like there is anything else I can do since I canā€™t kill anyone.
At worst, KyoDaz might fear my 2nd charge of Happy Hour.
In the end, itā€™s going to be a matter of trust, and Kyo is simply acting like a Seth.

Go ahead folks. Hang me if you dare. I am ā€œan absolute lying mastermindā€ after all, so SURELY I am using some kind of reverse psychology to make you all read me town.

Once again: GO AHEAD.

/vote Zone Q11

ignore mechanics and focus on social reads*
iā€™m too tired for this
as usual

It would be nice to know if Alice is the only starting neutral apart from Italy or are we missing one neutral still. So we can try to solve how Possessed died despite having Alice guard him.

he did it! we must unvote him now he did the selfvote-ate trick

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regrettably my friends we have fallen into the classic ā€œself-voteā€ and AtE trap
we must now proclaim zone to be lock v


Meh. If you guys think this is another FoL 27, then my slot will be resolved once we reach D10 again anyways.

we canā€™t even peek amelia to see if she peeks as w and lynch Zone if she does, because sheā€™s getting framed no matter what tonight if we try that

FWIW, FMPOV it is impossible for Amelia to be Assassin. Dunno about MM though.

FYPOV she canā€™t be MM either, because we know the wolves tried to convert Alice n1 and she was in jail that night.

If Amelia is wolf, she can only be wolves with you as her Mastermind or as a Lost Wolf.

In that case it is impossible for her to be scum FMPOV.

MM I understand, but how am I a lost wolf? There are no lost wolves in FoLs.

No, she can only be a Lost Wolf. And Lost Wolves are a thing in FoL. See Warlock and Sellsword.


ā€“wait, that means that Iā€™d have to kill Alice too.

I have found my dilemma of the day.

kill wolfsided neuts but not neuts who have the goal ā€œmake villagers not dieā€
youā€™re welcome