[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!




Thatā€™s the entire point.

Can we
Can we stop with these ā€œclaimsā€œ
Whatā€™s the point

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Iā€™ve actually given up on my ā€œno hyperpostingā€ deal. So I guess the only thing different should be my lack of AtE.

This is TBD if I can uphold this, though.

thats why i claimed the least useful part of me

so that i could claim something without it being dummy

But seriously I rolled Interrogate + for some stupid reason I decide to gamble away Ruthless Efficiency


poss making a promise to do something and then not upholding it is strictly v ai

totally not because i did the same thing

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You donā€™t want to know what I rolled


i respect you enough to hope this is not true

If youā€™re actually inq then give heretics


itā€™s Kyo

itā€™s a coinflip whether heā€™s even Inq

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Iā€™m quite sure that Kyoā€™s BSā€™ing here. Whether itā€™s a wolf FPS or V FPS itā€™s yet to be seen.

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Iā€™m not giving you no Heretics, just know Vulgard would be dead by now had I not given away my ruthless efficiency to gamble

yeah obv heā€™s bsing

just give th eclaimed heretics

inb4 heā€™s actually obs and my meme was correct

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ah yes

ruthless efficiency

the d1 dayvig


Iā€™ll cs Vul for you kyo

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Town FPS.

I know what heā€™s thinking. We both got Doja Cat brains

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