[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!

this is the dumbest mechanic to ever die to

@Italy I donā€™t think that will become a meta because of occ immunity. You are basically wasting 2 PRs to check if someone was occ imm. The only reason you were outted is because you didnā€™t claim occ imm when you could have

i already had my claim planned before the game started

Its ok, I couldnā€™t read your slot either and threw a Court Spy up just in case lol

just realized that if marshal did eagle shoot Kyo it wouldā€™ve worked because Zoneā€™s slot bullseyeā€™d it


MM counts as ā€œnot occupy immuneā€ for the purpose of theirs abilities

if you canā€™t find it through mechanics its extremely hard to actually find it

i think thatā€™s the point???
if the neutral killer dies they lose instantly unlike groupscum so one would expect them to be considerably harder to find than members of the unseen

but if they are even harder to find than mm
it would be nigh impossible to find them in the first place

which would result in a hell of a lot of nk wins
and who wants to spend 2+ weeks on that

they should at the very least be as hard to find as the mm
because at least the mastermind doesnā€™t lose instantly if they die

NK should def be harder to find than MM I think?

i get that if theyā€™re literally undetectable by mechanics then somebody who can mask their scumgame would basically be guaranteed victory

but theyā€™re easier to find than the mastermind, and donā€™t have anyone to win the game for them once they die

i can see what he means
if you have to find NK socially then youā€™re kinda fucked
but it should at least be as difficult to find as mastermind

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True true
Since you cant find him per association

Iā€™ll see what is reasonable to do

itā€™s almost like the NK poses a problem balance-wise
funny that

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NK is the balance keeper
nobody wants to play it because itā€™s not as much designed to win as it is to make sure the game isnā€™t too swingy

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if there was no secondary force to keep the unseen in check by giving them the constant risk of death, they would win a lot more
especially with the mastermind buff :eyes:

a neutral killer designed to win is often insanely powerful, as theyā€™re a single person with no allies and have to take the whole world on alone
a neutral killer designed to keep balance is often hated because theyā€™re a single person with no allies and have to take the whole world on alone except theyā€™re actually kinda weak and will basically never win

funny thing about that

it existing actually creates more swing