[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!

I’m tryimg not to respond to every post but I can’t stop


god can’t help you now

Marshal, I literally just posted in a vaguely nose-tappy way about wolves trying to get early cred. You can’t WIFOM your way past me that easily!

God can’t ever help me

im literally just transporter from tos and that role is so fuckin boring oml

So remember when we made this massive thread in which one of the points is that you aren’t supposed to immediately and loudly soft as v?

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I feel tempted to hard claim rn just because my class is that shitty

But at the same time

D1 mass claim ech

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does this count as a mindmeld


i don’t think i ever want to claim
this game is cursed

i dont care because fuck this role its not fun or interesting

i repeat
don’t loudly and repeatedly soft

Locktown :sunglasses:

Worked out for you last FoL lulz

wow, what a gamer moment

loudly softs
loudly softs
loudly softs
loudly softs

i’m occ immune :sunglasses:

On a serious level, the wolves don’t have the same knowledge about mechanical bundling that they do normally- they can’t be sure which abilities are attatched to which speciifc classes, but they know exactly what abilites are in the game.

In that scenario, even more so than regular FoL, softing is an awful idea. So I don’t care how cursed or bad your class is. Don’t soft.


This game, more than most FoL games, has the exact scenario to make softing our death. Do not soft. Ever.

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what if you wanted fun randomized meme classes

but the hosts said all hail King Arete