[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!

not to be rude or anything seth

but you townread me more than priestess does

i had an early point i agreed with

but that itself is not enough to constitute a TL

I do?

What if I told you I had you as Null

What would you do then?

priestess has townread me in every game except the unspeakable game

and i think youā€™ve always townread me

laugh because null zone best zone

i think zoneq11 is best zone

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But he was the nefarious evil king

but the ghost vote is kinda bad
who wants to have a hidden vote placed on them at all times

how did we both make completely different references

Marshal appears to be hyper aware of his progression despite highposting as always.

Maybe this is a dumbass read, but considering how many posts heā€™s already written, I feel like keeping track of everything heā€™s said while also reading the posts of others and thinking about them isā€¦ quite the challenge. He seems to be rather self-aware about his progression here, and it bothers me. Iā€™m not sure if heā€™s done this as a wolf, and I donā€™t know if itā€™s a valid tell to catch him on, but still.

Binary question: are you going to do something day 1 this game, or are you going to keep your streak of ā€œnever doing anything day 1ā€ no matter what?

Itā€™s easy to give a free pass to a slot which writes agreeable posts and memes throughout day 1.

Seth is asking more like his villagery self again, although I still donā€™t condone the dumbassery.

Can you say something that isnā€™t about yourself or about the day being a trainwreck? Iā€™d like to know if you have any opinions about anything thatā€™s happened so far.

Thereā€™s one problem with Amiā€™s posts I have, and itā€™s the fact that while they could be considered towny for Ami, they are not unfakeable. In fact, they are easily fakeable. All Ami has to do is to meme a little, ping a couple of individuals and yell at them.
Sheā€™s going to be perpetual LHF if she doesnā€™t play, and since her WiM is allegedly already lowā€¦ meh. Once I inevitably die night 1 as the only locktown player in the game, you should probably push her and see how she reacts. Sheā€™s in the pile of ā€œpush and see if they start playing.ā€
And yes, I do realize itā€™s early day 1, but I do things for a reason.

Thinking Iā€™m gonna walk away for now.

Also, Iā€™ve just realized Iā€™m the lowest poster from among those who have already posted. I donā€™t know if itā€™s a blessing or a curse.

so the issue Iā€™m having with Italy is that his posts feel disconnected from the thread

like, it feels like most of the rest of us are having a conversation, and then Italy is sitting on the sidelines making random comments most of which arenā€™t really relevant

The result of only communicating in walls

why are all of your posts filled with this sort of weird hedge

So, can I have a heal on me tonight? I was just notified that I was bled right now.


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imagine actually doing something day 1
this post was made by italy


i can in fact remember things i posted 10 minutes before
i know

remembering a read you had 10 minutes ago

and ā€œhyper awareness of progressionā€

not the same thing silly rabbit