[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!

What was the purpose of suddenly switching tracks and flooding thread with memes

Thatā€™s not out of her town OR wolfrange, but the early clears. I donā€™t knowā€¦I feel like Alice knows misclears are entirely too detrimental if done improperly early.

Sheā€™s literally Exhibit A of that.

it was shitposting phase
A man just wanted to meme
I followed the marshal law of shitposting in FM games

and i got it out of my system

I personally would appreciate you going into more detail about those reads so that I can try to evaluate your thought process

sorry for being paranoid but given the last couple games I donā€™t think my paranoia is unjustified :upside_down_face:

also slightly to spite arete but shhh

Alice weā€™re trying to solve your slot as well. So donā€™t be too surprised and annoyed if people are wondering about your slot this early.

To your credit you do but its NAI since you do it as both.

This doesnā€™t seem fake. Itā€™s like sheā€™s been suspected of being wolf for her reads and saying ā€œNot this nonsense againā€. Iā€™m going to have to rethink her slot.

I noticed something mildly interesting in how thread developed early
Quite a few people were saying ā€˜Iā€™m going to do this this gameā€™

that will seriously impact how thread develops and how people should be read
because itā€™s highly likely that these plans were created upon seeing playerlist rather than after getting role pm [other than potentially vulā€™s] (I did it like this, which is why I consider the thought)

Iā€™m particularly curious about your clear on my slot as Iā€™d expect you to be more cautious after what happened in Anime FM

admittedly Iā€™m modconfirmed not NK, but

I have seen her make more-or-less exactly that post as both alignments

Now whether Alice gets more frustrated being wrongly suspected as wolf more than being suspected wolf as a real wolf. Not sure yet.

Mine was just because Iā€™m more or less tired of proving Iā€™m town off AtE. At least for me personally.

So youā€™re saying this is NAI?

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Seth has an obvious village and wolf meta. This should go without saying as anyone whoā€™s ever played with W!Seth knows that you can easily out him before the middle of d1.

You yet again show a very clear thought process regarding how you handled Marshal and you showed no agenda there, where your wolf game is very agenda-y.

Ici in general has a noticable wolfgame where his thoughts are trite, unoriginal, and lack a certain amount of flexibility but compensates it by beign showy. His opening and posts so far has been the opposite of that.

Poss was basically doing the same shit here by putting the spotlight on himself for no reason at all akin to his d1 in FoL27. As a wolf he only attracts attention to himself to further his agenda, like what happened in EVO. His opening would be nonsensical for a wolf here.

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I deal with this a lot. I make very strong reads easily like this and this causes me to become a frequent suspect of TMI, even when Iā€™m a correct villager.


Does it get easier to handle with more games?

Probably because youā€™re usually right. Thatā€™s a dangerous way to play Tbh. If you start being wrong, people will catch on fast.

Thatā€™s actually how I can solve @Arete, actually. You and Arete are likeā€¦the same player.


Iā€™m flattered, but youā€™re overestimating my skill level

Reading people? Yes.