[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!

all you were, and so far are

is a wildcard

because believe it or not Inq is an anti-BD class

like i said earlier
if kyo isnā€™t getting anything from what heā€™s doing and isnā€™t using that to get wolfreads or villagereads or anything
itā€™s probably a wolf gambit

we have like 5 claims including a prince claim

Hey Iā€™m not saying I did, just that half the court thought of hard claiming or softimg their role being a good idea.

Iā€™m claiming NK. No, obviously Iā€™m claiming Blue Dragon

and u were playing strictly anti-BD


Itā€™s entirely something I would do as well
I hate neutral classes and would want to spice things up a bit

I think we should leave kyo alone tonight (as in, not kill him)

but :roll_eyes:

Vul has a bunch of super villagery posts

I think Iā€™m ready to lock that one in

in the mash iā€™m designing, the prince is gonna be revealed day 1 as a joke so it doesnā€™t have to be openclaimed (which would probably happen anyway)

we donā€™t kill anyone whoā€™s posting right now tomorrow
we kill the people who arenā€™t posting right now because most of my poe consists of those people
re-eval after that unless enough of them clear themselves
iā€™m putting this in the thread rn because i might actually die overnight idk
iā€™ve been flip-flopping regarding my threat level to the wolves

He hasnā€™t really done much this game, so eh.

youā€™ve claimed Stabby Man
why should we not kill you despite being a claimed anti-BD Stabby Man

alr then
putting vul in v core

I didnā€™t expect people to yell at me like I was the hash slinging bash pinging slasher here

while this is possible i could also see this as backpedaling from a really shitty neut claim from a scum

because your goal is ā€œstab 3 villagersā€
we are perfectly within our rights to want you dead

by the way my first post of the game was an actual claim
in true solic fashion
protect me!!!

Iā€™m ok with SAYING we arenā€™t killing the people who posted frequently D1, but not actually just doing that. Iā€™d imagine the AFKs will be soft/hard checked tonight anyways.

I wouldnā€™t kill an inquisitor off the start
Itā€™s completely pointless and theyā€™ll probably just get their kills from the night anyway
Also yeah the conversion stuff was just an excuse for me hopefully still being able to help town, conversion winning for inq basically never happens