[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!

Theres some other mech shit thats goin down

and i sorta want to resolve it, hopefully with more grace then the wazza situation

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He outed his info, and with multiple people claiming a redcheck, it would be worth it for him to claim the target before someone else possibly outs the target of a redcheck

well actually


i donā€™t think wazz + ici are w/w

he knew I was tracking wazz
he knew I woulda seen wazz visiting him if he was converted

suicide play here makes little sense

Youā€™ve done these RT-type defenses before and failed on mechanics check. Its in your scum range.

A N1 red check is a convert play, especially with d3ad prince.

It. All. Makes. Sense.

thatā€™s not whatā€™s happening here

see it might be a convert play

but in this case itā€™s a play that outs both the convert and the MM and ici, if converted, would know that

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Once I hear the red check ill make a final decision.

please stop speaking of things you have no knowledge of
in fact, please stop pointlessly speaking of mechanics at all

It wouldnā€™t make sense for Ici to do if heā€™s the convert if Wazza is the MM, but if its not those two, it would make more sense

there is only one way wazza can be a wolf and itā€™s near-impossible

i guess thats possible

but still

I donā€™t particularly see it

If Ici is converted, he NEEDS to make a play today. All the info on Wazza being MM would be gathered by you

you also outed your track in Allies chat

converted! Ici could have passed that info along

Uh no, Iā€™m not even defending myself, Iā€™m just pissed off based on how Marshal got me to out. And honestly, I donā€™t even know why I panicked because even when I was I knew nothing was really going on.

No it doesnā€™t, at all.

Why would Ici claim to have a redcheck and if that redcheck is actually blue then he would get killed, if heā€™s a convert, I would get killed. None of that even makes sense.

I wanted to be added to the chat because without a doubt you were going to add Ici. And Ici was the guy I wanted to talk to about healing Marshal or him and also wanted to talk to you about what you were going to do.

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literally the only way he could be w is if Marshal is a Proā„¢ Gamerā„¢ and emulates extremely villagery behaviour and claims in Allies chat or if heā€™s the NK and somebody else tried to heal me
no other scenarios make sense

I kind of like this response, hmm.

this (wanting to be added to chat) actually makes a lot of sense and feels like it comes from a fairly consistent mindset

either heā€™s a stabby man who was blocked or Marshal is a wolf and this is a god-tier gambit
but itā€™s also a very pointless gambit

no im saying

that ici wouldnā€™t be making this suicide play as convert unless MM was not-wazz because it would out the both if them virtually

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Iā€™m putting Pizza in the oven, brb.