[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!

I just woke up, so I’m having a hard time processing this. Wazza was found visiting Ici, right? That’s essentially the check on him.

In the event I’m MM, Ici would be obviously lying since he would be converted.

You’re…really bad at this.

get it into the mafiascum wiki

who the fuck cares about the MafiaScum wiki in 2020?

Yes because Marshal’s an idiot and got multiple Town to out in 2 seconds.

why? I dont know why you think that, if he’s MM Ici is converted. Why does that mean one of the rechecks are fake?

Right, and initially he claimed to be an investigative who was serve-Ale-redirected to himself, which is obviously impossible


I’ll take “Dumb TvT’s” for 500, alex


@Arete @Marshal do you believe me when I say that Poss’s play has legitimately been quite yikes this game, even if he appears to be in his v meta?

Don’t make me AtE please. I promised I’d control my emotions.


still think he’s villa tho

i almost want to call him neutral
but neutreads are dumb so I won’t

Amelia is neither the NK, convert, nor the Assassin. I don’t think she’d be a good lynch for today as we’d be banking on her being the MM.

okay fine.

want some pizza?

I think that it’s yikes, and that today’s play is more yikes

I’m not convinced that makes him a wolf

i was gonna say that

but i feel almost all neut!poss versions would be the most cautious

I’m just voting to place pressure, Vulgard and Ici both claim to have a redcheck but won’t out it yet.

@Alice could you please bring some sanity here and post some social reads?

…did you even read the thread?


How does this follow? There was only one kill last night, so she could easily be NK/Assa