[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!

Accidentally replied I love mobile, ill get to that readlist when im home

Can we not segue into a discussion about mindmelds

We have a lot of potential suspects for the visit (whether thatā€™s convert or attack is uncertain) on Alice
We should focus on narrowing that down

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its real ez to fake mindmelds

ok last mindmelds comment

Anyway, so Iā€™m gone now

consistently mindmelding with another player can in some cases be evidence that that player is your alignment, as it indicates that both of you are experiencing very similar thought processes

I remember Poss saying to seth that seth was prince
If we are dealing with lulwolves itā€™s reasonable to assume that they actually took that at face value


Vote Count

Accused Voted by Votes
Italy Arete 1 / 9
Possessed Wazza 1 / 9
Alice Icibalus, Marshal, Possessed 3 / 9
Not voting Vulgard, Alice, Geyde, Italy, SirDerpsAlot, KyoDaz, SogMan, CRichard564, Amelia, Ami, TheBlueElixir, Jane 12

honestly rip seth

i kidnda would like his voice in thread rn

SFoL 27 had the king bled n1 and left prince alone for a few nights. I think that counts as lolwolving, but it turned out to be Alice/Psquid, people who ā€˜wouldnā€™t lolwolveā€™. So I donā€™t think we should get too caught up in who would and who would lolwolve, or if some people talk less theyā€™d conv Alice.

Same. I think that Seth was killed by the NK and unlike the Unseen, the NK is not only paying attention to the game but is also one of the more skilled players here.

I didnā€™t mean killing ability, I meant an ability.

What happened to the missing kill then

Like, we can only guarantee that I was a convert attempt if Seth turns up Unseen for Ici. If Seth turns up NK then we can guarantee that Wazza is not the MM. And since Ici is still alive then we can assume that heā€™s not the NK or Assassin.

What about my exhume!

Assassin cant gamble away assassinate or 2 f 1

I also exhumed Seth you know.

Iā€™ve got class
Iā€™ll be back eventually

d1 bled was done for the sake of chaos. Also I tried waiting until Nap got king to kill Italy, which didnā€™t work as Vul mech-outed me then, so there was actually a strategy behind what I was doing.

Here, itā€™s kind of dumb to convert or attack a player who claimed bleeding regardless of what theyā€™re doing.

Especially as Iā€™d obviously have a scout on me.

Is there anyone in particular you see as fitting this description while also being plausibly not a villager (or, alternatively, being someone who would actually just play NK like a villager)?

WoW cAuSiNg ChAoS iNtEnTiOnAlLy, yOu MuSt Be EvIL