[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!

Yep. That is correct.

Sure. Go ahead. I will win anyways.
…again though, why the hell are you supposed to be town?

hey derps did you nightkill someone

derps has been steadily dropping for me

Yep, and according to Kyo, I am the MM if Amelia flips as anything other than converted US.

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why were people townreading him to begin with that d1 was ass

but he can’t be the n2 convert can he

why the fuck would the wolves go for Amelia, though? Zero thread influence, Zone or I’s oncoming Exhume claim would clear her from being a wolf on night 1, but why bother when she’s wolfy enough she might’ve been a lost wolf or the second neutral all along?

i do have reason to believe derps is v from allies chat, however

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For the sweet sweet Serve Ale :sunglasses:

ZONE said that that effectively, with his exhume, unseen failed their n1 convert

KYO said that the MM probably arcane emp’d their assassin, and that AMELIA was visited

if Amelia flips conv or assassin you could pin it on zone, no? converting or arcane empowering

and if KYO can only be right if ZONE isn’t because they would’ve prioritized a convert. So even in this theory, we lynch ZONE first.

not that i believe any of this but it was a flawed idea from kyo

Well, there were 2 attacks N2 and “somebody from unseen” visited Amelia N2, so… “it is unlikely that Derps got converted N2”.

I magic barrier derps n2 so no

Uh… how? I only said that Seth was killed by Unseen.

Scout + exhume from N1 implies it

Alice was visited, claimed merc

if seth was attacked then mustve been MM visiting alice and so no convert

amelia is actually a possible convert

unseen would know she would be cleared tonight and then she would be a juicy conv

again, my Exhume action was blocked. We cannot overlook that.

Uh… okay. …who said US visited Alice again?
Because Kyo was the one who somehow confirmed that Alice is Neut, right?

i think the kill on wazza is weird enough so the wolves are probably doing some pretty balls to the walls stuff. BUT i clearly stated yesterday that ill most likely wow amelia tho. so i would mech-confirm them as bd when they in reality get converted

Vulgard AND icibalus said it