[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!

Dunno what this is about, but whatever you meant to say, I indeed do want you get lynched.

Sure. Just let @Arete use Allies on Ici & cloned so they can coordinate with swaps and shit.

Less work for me = Me more happy.

N2 SG was broken throughā€¦
Kyo & co. confirmed Neutralā€¦
Visited by unseen N1ā€¦

ā€¦Alice, didnā€™t you say that Marshal should track you? @Marshal, what happened to this?

Also; does a non-killing neutral who can attack players exist?

Italy flipped NK, so Iā€™m basically confirmed Neutral as long as Kyo doesnā€™t flip Unseen.


Found one. Inquisitor.
Plus Possessed claimed Noble along with Richard.
ā€¦welp. There is that piece of shade.

Does Inq even bypass protections?

Yep. Apparently so.

Hey uhā€¦ This is a nice piece of shade 'n all, but I canā€™t do shit with it. @Amelia, youā€™re the desperate one. Go and play with this.

So itā€™s possible an inquisitor exists who had possed as a heretic I guess?

Which would explain why nobody is claiming the third nightkill

And well I know I wasnā€™t converted so I think thatā€™s the truth

if an Inq existed then they yoloā€™d specifically Possessed despite there being three noble claims

Hooray. I made a world where it is possible for Amelia to be BD, so now everyone is forced to talk again! No more silence for the win!

I guess only two of them were outed

Itā€™s basically a 50/50 shot on that one and itā€™s not as if the inq would be punished for going for the wrong noble

@Arete. Respond.

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He would. Heā€™d lose his 1-Shot death-immunity. (Assuming he even had one.)

No, thatā€™s if they guess the wrong class

Both crich and possed were nobles

The only punishment is wasting a night

Iā€™m probably going to wait until later in the day before deciding who I want to Allies

If amelia is the convert this still doesnā€™t work because her abil would still grant her occ immunity

catching up rn