[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!

I felt like it was out of my hands unless town wasn’t that mechanically strong
But town being that mechanically strong and d1 existing was…ouch


okay while i agree that there was a shit-ton of mechanical bs

keep in mind that alice was also merc
thats boring as fuck


It was that level of townsided. Really, it was. Every variable was against us.

mark my words

evils are getting buffed to hell in the next randomizer

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we are removing the blue dragon


I think if town played d1 worse

and y’all snagged a convert

it would have been competative

but like when I orchestrated the out on italy and then y’all got PoE’d it kinda sucked


randomizer 2 signups are open

0/4 players



The only true option

please bold

marshal had been modkilled for not bolding his /in

strong text

ok game has been filled, cards are being sent out

honestly most of the people who were cleared weren’t really cleared from meta? like, I wasn’t cleared from meta, Marshal wasn’t cleared from meta, you can make the argument that Vul and Ici were cleared from meta but only to the extent that their metas are ‘be villagery as a villager,’ Derps wasn’t cleared from meta, TBE wasn’t semi-cleared from meta, Ami wasn’t semi-cleared from meta

Poss was cleared from meta and CRich was semi-cleared from meta, but that’s two in a game with 18 people

Marshal, you are…

The Fool :shield: :fire:

Neutral Social
Insanity (Passive) - Immune to death from non-BD attacks once. If more than 2 other non-BD are executed during the day, you will suicide the next night. You will see the true nature of any tampered lynches.
Final Prank (Passive) - You may use your night ability 2 times after the day you get lynched.
Gamble (Passive) - At the start of the game, select any number of your abilities. Your selection(s) will be completely randomized into any non-killing non-unique ability (Blue Dragon & Unseen). You may also choose not to gamble.
Dark Rune (Day) - Choose a player. If that player uses an ability today they will target themselves with it. - 2 uses
Bounty (Day) - If target player is executed this day and is Blue Dragon, then there will be an additional vote for execution. Only one Bounty may take effect per day. - 2 uses
Bounty (Night) - If target player is executed this day and is Blue Dragon, then there will be an additional vote for execution. Only one Bounty may take effect per day. - 2 uses
Make sure no more than 2 other non-BD are lynched during the course of the game.




That’s actually rare for me ngl. People push me in my town meta

It’s just that nobody figured it out until this game tbh

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I mean yes

Because you insist on intentionally playing scummy as town

this is the sort of thing that can lead to you being read as scum
