[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!

I’m mildly curious how you read me ideally in more detail than ‘you push agenda as a wolf’ because that’s not super specific

Are your reads forming naturally or is there a pattern to them?

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could you elaborate on what you mean by ‘a pattern to them’?

Like, you in LotR. Are you actually thinking your reads through or not?

It’s hard to explain.

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meow rant

Yeah, this outcome didn’t really surprise me. We knew that this setup was likely going to be BD sided, and the panicked reroll we did giving us a strong BD was really the nail in the coffin. I didn’t expect it to end in a concession; but after the NK got lynched D2 the possibility of such had opened up in my head.

This game taught me and Chloe a lot, and while I don’t think it was a very successful game, I do hope that everybody had fun. I apologize especially to the 3 scum (Italy, Kyo, and Geyde>Gorta) as this really wasn’t a fair game for them. With what they had, I don’t think they played poorly. I don’t entirely agree with the N2 empowered 2F1 in hindsight, but their logic made sense and if Kyo was right on Alices second target being gorta, it would have been an extremely good play.

I think we need to go back to the drawing board on this one. I still don’t think Cult is really compatible with a randomizer setup or FoL at all but I don’t want to let this dud stop us from making a better setup. I still believe there’s a potentially very fun setup that we can achieve in a Randomizer format.

I don’t want to discredit town, because I think they played really well overall. Pretending they didn’t would be a lie, despite the odds absolutely being in their favor! A lot of town just… looked like town pretty early, mechanics aside.

But it’s very evident that we gave BD too much potential power and didn’t give Unseen/NK enough. So evident that I feel silly.

I haven’t refined any ideas yet, but throwing some ideas out there.

  • Give Mastermind a 3rd, randomized night ability, in addition to the night ability they choose. In addition to this, let them use a second night ability on nights they convert.

  • Give the NK a 3rd, randomized night ability, in addition to the two they roll. In addition to this, let them use a second night ability on nights they use their primary ability.

I think these two are a bit of a given, and don’t need too much tweaking on their own.

  • Tell the Neutral Killer if they are occupy or redirect attempted (if they are occ immune).

Honestly, why is this not a thing in regular FoL?

  • Give the Starting(?) Assassin a 3rd, randomized night ability, in addition to the two they normally roll with. In addition to this, let them use a second night ability on nights they use their primary ability.

I think giving this to Assassin may be a bit too much but I haven’t thought too much on how to buff Assassin yet.

In addition to that, I think there’s some other obvious elephants in the room.

  • Cap each ability to 3 (this wasn’t a problem, but it nearly was with 3 Exhumes and 3 Gossips)
  • Make Last Rites Unique
  • Make Call of the Dead unable to roll with Link Minds
  • Find way to make Archers abilities work. We tried to figure this out and never got a great grasp on it, but it’s not in a great state at the moment.

I don’t quite know how we plan to nerf BDs overall power yet, but it needs to be done.

  • Giving BD a guaranteed 1 main ability (no 0 or 2) may be a good start, as it makes Mystics significantly less powerful while reducing the chances of a complete meme class like Amelia’s of happening.

  • I think we could go back to a 16P setup. We very heavily considered doing this before, but we talked ourselves out of it. I’d still rather not do this, as I want this setup to be balanced and fun for as many people as possible, but it may be an inevitability.

I haven’t had too much time to brainstorm this yet, but I do plan to put some time aside and figure this out. Feedback will be greatly appreciated here. I plan on reading every single piece of criticism we get and I appreciate it all in advance. Including the salt.

I probably sound like a broken record when I say that I think this setup has the potential to be really good and I want to make it the best it can possibly be. The first iteration might not have been amazing but I think it can go somewhere with some love - that is, of course, if the people want it. :heart:

Also, Chloe wants to know why the Prince is day-redirectable. I didn’t know where to put this so it’s at the end.

Chloe would also like to add that she agrees with everything I said. But she gets small text because I’m the older sibling



Chloe would also like to add that she agrees with everything kat said

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angry katze noises


also like

give us all the feedback in the damn world
we can take the criticism

i want this setup to be fun and playable eventually

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ok so a slight one

while y’all were fun

talk less in classcards

angleshooting/slipping is possible


i did catch myself almost slipping (and chloe)

i think i was pretty careful, but you’re probably right

better to not risk it than to just be careful

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Oh also
another thing that’s not feedback but needs to be defined

What’s the ruling on someone going “Ok priest tell me this thing that is entirely unfakeable and only myself and ___ deaddie would know”

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Yeah that was

hard to decide on

the only reason we said no was because you wanted to ask him about something in his classcard in a previous game

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I understand y’all denying me doing that

but like

that needs to be laid out clearer


my personal take is that people should be allowed to ask about things that happened in previous games on the site, but not things that are, like, personal information

so ‘katze, if you’re the Priest, ask Vul about [x thing that happened in LotR]’ would be fine, but ‘katze, if you’re the Priest, ask Vul about what the first thing we talked about in DMs on Discord was’ wouldn’t be

but I don’t know if I actually endorse that

this is not any sort of official statement and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the mods


this was essentially where me and chloe agreed on

private things like DMs just seemed way too cheaty

also, i don’t want to make it seem like im avoiding this - i really do appreciate all feedback

i absolutely talked too much in a few classcards (even if it was barely, and even if nothing I said affected the game at all) - and I was slapping myself for it throughout the game.

it’s not going to happen again - that’s my promise (and i wanna make it public so i cant go back on it)

memes can happen after the game

I’m going to work on compiling some of the questions we got throughout the match - and how we decided on our answers

but mobile bad so wont be too soon

i mean i totally had a conversation in at least 2 classcards

granted they were both pre-game iirc

but still

I probably had the most questions on my class card no?