[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!

to be fair counting Gossip as an investigative ability would have given us two more D2 clears, which would’ve been kind of :eyes:

Also leave, like I told you to.

Look what the katze dragged in :slight_smile: .

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i always considered gossip borderline-investigative

but nothing i could find implied it was treated as such here

also i think i woke up to chloe answering a question that forced us to rule it as non-invest but i also didn’t let gossip see another gossip so that’s probably my fault

im too lazy to find it

confused Arete noises

if its about what ans said don’t worry about it :eyes:


do you have any immediate feedback as to how to better balance this arete




this applies to everybody

its 4:30AM and i want to balance randomizer 2 :^)

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More Neutrals

at one point we were going to change it to 2-3 neutrals but we didn’t want to deviate from the FoL spawn list

GK + Merc with two BD targets

This Is Fine

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oh cool we win


i didnt want to WOTM it but i knew at the time how unbalanced it was

i probably had time to reroll it but we were in a hurry due to the whole “we just rerolled to avoid angleshooting” thing

not my proudest moment but live and learn

i’d like to thank my shitty night actions for i guess accidentally outing the NK and the Merc

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and also arete for playing with legitimate competence i guess

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when i saw alice was merc i knew she’d get attacked or convert attempted n1

i did not think both would happen

both happened


you have low standards

the only people who ever really thought you were EK were the scumteam

so that’s a decent look for you i’d say

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At least not both by the same faction.

Our Nightwatch D:

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