[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!

I take it that asking questions that add nothing to the gamestate and are just statements of the obvious is your meta?

Lets see if I understand what PoE is used for according to Ici. You use PoE as a placeholder for anyone who isnā€™t town or mafia confirmed. Once you get more information, you move players out of PoE into confirmed town/confirmed mafia.

See, I used the word PoE as a misnomer. I keep encountering people who I read as wolfy, and already I have too many wolfreads, so I slotted them into a list that Iā€™m pretending is the PoE despite there being nullreads outside of it.

Honestly, I only phrased it in this bullshit woo mysterious way because itā€™s D1 and something needs to happen or weā€™ll all get bored and do dumbass things like claim on D1, but this clearly isnā€™t going to get anything valuable.

I just seem to be unable to call people villagers this game.

And I apologise for being passive-agressive there- the intent was to force you to do things other than state obvious facts authoritatively in order to see if thatā€™s a you thing or if itā€™s because youā€™re a wolf who canā€™t create content so only indulges in saying obviously true things instead of anything of value.

It would appear, however, that thatā€™s not the case, so I guess you can be a villager.

Also, for future reference, the PoE is where you put wolfreads and nullreads and you remove villagereads from as the game goes on. In a purely social sense, at least. Mechanical PoEs are as you described.

Jesus way to let me down, Ici.

Poss, I do genuinely think that youā€™re wolfy, so donā€™t talk about me letting you down.

All Iā€™m asking is for you to make everyone believe it.

Throwing out a list with no explanations does nothing for anyone.

It wouldā€™ve if youā€™d bitten instead of just whining about explanations.

It definitely wouldnā€™t have. Youā€™ve given nothing for scum to push.


Almost nothing*

And not because I think you donā€™t. I think you do, you just donā€™t want to give anything besides that.

sigh this whole thing was a mistake
iā€™ll explain my reads this afternoon

Thatā€™s slightly different to what I imagined PoE to be. If it works for you, why should I question it?

See I have 3 categories. Town, PoE and Mafia. PoE is anyone who I havenā€™t ruled in as town or mafia.

Thatā€™s nullreads.