[SFoL] SFoL 60 - Randomizer - Day 3 (14/18) - The Blue Dragon and Mercenary Win!

you are claiming a class that’s only goal is to kill towns. Blatantly antitown. You should die.

The odds of even one of these targets being converted is low enoguh, much less three.

They’ll probably die during the night anyway. I suicide after I win as well.

“yes let us wait until the inq’s targets are converted and in the meantime have a stabby man with unknown abilities just kind of… live.”

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and how do you think it applies to this game/setup?
just the king / potential wolf thing?

also it’s kinda jarring how you bring up an example when you did this as a wolf to another wolf
my original point was about you potentially knowing marshal isn’t groupscum and saying that arete could be pocketing him
you explained it by saying ek could pocket a wolf
now you bring up an example of pocketing a wolf as a wolf

what’s your read on marshal? i feel like i don’t really follow you this game
sorry if the above paragraph is weird

define “normal” for me
because i really don’t think i have a consistent tone / post structure / anything

I don’t have my stabby ability
I gambled it away

I want to say Kyo is doing a really bad FPS right now, but he hasn’t backed off it yet. So.

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it would take more time to write the wallpost than we have

never underestimate the ability of people to carry on FPSes past their logical stopping point

he basically slipped non-inq somewhere tbh

“yes let’s just trust the claimed stabby man when he says he doesn’t have a knife”

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Cough @Marshal Cough

what i’m trying to say here is that it’s kinda weird you say marshal is a v lean but then your process kinda shifts to possibilities where marshal is a wolf
idk if this is dumb or not

write it in your logs :joy:
but yeah that’s unfortunate

Yeah, basically a “Arete isn’t trying to get on good terms with Marshal so this is p villagery.”

Your original point was talking about how scum can’t pocket scum. I gave you a counterexample.

u don’t have a logical stopping point :angry:

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you do realise we have no reason to trust that you actually gambled it away

Villagelean. Nothing to lock me in either side so far as I usually wait until later to read him.

He did but it looked forced. I don’t think he’s Inq or Priest (the slip that looked forced).

:joy_cat: IS THIS AN ATTEMPT TO BOX ME IN I SEE :joy_cat:

:joy_cat: :joy_cat: WOLF WOLF WOLF :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

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I’m up for the very end of EoD

Can I get a tl;dr