[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - FULL (26/26)

In no world should a uninformed spectator join a game, especially if they are in a chat with others. That influences their decisions with outside content, if u want to backup u backup thats it

Which is why they should be a solo chatting to the host if they really want to score endgame points

Uninformed Spectators are just players who are playing/watching the game from the sidelines without actually being involved.

I donā€™t see the difference between them and backups apart from the fact they have a higher chance to have actually been paying attention.

I think thereā€™s a massive middle ground between being anti spectator and where we are now.

Provided they arenā€™t talking to each other of course

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thatā€™s what I meant, whoops

ok so if u were in a chat with lets say ans and he was speccing and you two were discussing reads thats not wholely unfair

uninformed specs could just be players who know they donā€™t have time to play the full game but want to make reads

or just people who donā€™t want to play but wanna guess the scumteam before being informed

prob some other obvious reasons tbh


As stated above, you were probably on phone or something, I meant when youā€™re alone because thatā€™s the topic we were on about.

if youā€™re actually making reads youā€™re already doing more than most of the people in the game


I still feel like talking about how spectating is negatively effecting games or insisting it is better to not do so is pressuring people in a way I do not feel is right.

I made a post asking it to stop because I didnā€™t like it and now thereā€™s a whole big argument about it.

Please people just donā€™t tell spectators they should not spectate, or that they should do something else. They have made the choice not to in and I do not find it right that people are asking others to do something they donā€™t wanna.

Thatā€™s all iā€™m asking.

Or that one person who accidentally joined the wrong chat


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I love how you appear and just get everyone to like your comment.

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the sad truth

anyway, ehh, Iā€™ll stop being petty and just play since Iā€™m actually interested in this game.


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no u replied to me who was said

in no world should someone in ant type of chat that isnā€™t solo should join a game.

As for the rest of this convo, this is a signup thread. Make a thread if u want to complain, dont make amelias life harder.

Im speccing cause Iā€™m taking a break, my IRL needs it. I think thats why a good majority of us are doing that. U seem to be fine with that, so then dont complain if we want to spec over playing

I cringe a little seeing 20% of the player base become a specing before a single person signed up though.

likefarming is easy though to be fair

like this comment to prove that im right :sunglasses:


I didnā€™t read that part I just read the first part since thatā€™s the point I was denying.

The 2nd part is obviously true.