[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - FULL (26/26)

I would just in right now but my schedule is gonna change pretty drastically

Iā€™m glad my other game ended before this one started since now Iā€™ll be able to concentrate fully on this one.

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flavor based on this song when


Probs because my wolf playstyle is more trying to coerce and sound more cooperative while I have a more combative playstyle as V so people tend to wrongfully SR me over it a lot.

I was a bit motivated 2 days ago to play some mafia, now my motivation stopped. I should try something new to entertain myself

If Iā€™m scum, I might even try that. Insert evil laugh here I hope Iā€™m scum honestly. Iā€™ve had my fill of being town for now and I think itā€™ll be easier for me to get towncored as wolf now.

Everyone: Leafia is 100% villager.

W!Leafia: Hides wolf ears and tail while nodding in agreement

That being said, Iā€™ve noticed a few differences between when Iā€™m town and when Iā€™m not.

T!Leafia is much more likely to make reads on her own and is a bit more understanding when people scumread her and is even willing to be the misyeet when she thinks itā€™ll help get town on the right track. Sheā€™s also far too stubborn for her own good once she becomes convinced of something and can sometimes have a hard time seeing things from other perspectives. Sheā€™ll almost certainly be scumreading at least one wolf D1.

W!Leafia is a lot more agreeable than t!Leafia and loves to bus her teammates in the hopes of looking townish when they flip wolf. She also tends to be LAMIST a lot when she starts getting pushed and like T!Leafia, she has a hard time imagining why someone would see yher as scummy, and OMGUSing is a popular defense for her to use. She rarely makes her own reads too, for fear of how itā€™ll make her look. She has been proven to be able to fake making her own reads though, so just because she seems to be making her own reads doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s lockvillager. She loves to sheep people as wolf too and will never think that her getting yeeted is a good idea by any stretch of the imagination. She might seem to accept it if her position is bad enough, but she wonā€™t ever think itā€™s a good idea. Beware of putting w!Leafia at L-1, because the chances of her hammering herself are high.


If your not no alt account, prove it and join this game!

Wait no Dybu canā€™t be an Alt because Alt wasnā€™t a thing before Dybu.

@Paparazzi come join the game

ā€¦welp. I see two people talk about their meta, so I might as well talk about mine.

As far as I understand my own metaā€¦ I can definitely replicate my town meta as scum, but I know for a fact that I am more toxic than usual whenever I am frustrated town.

I am heavily prejudiced against ā€œweakā€ roles such as Vanilla and Goon. Itā€™s like the Pygmalion effect, where I play worse because I believe that Vanilla and Goon are bad, while I play better whenever I get a ā€œpowerfulā€ role ā€¦which is literally any other role.

The reason why I can replicate my town meta as scumā€¦ is because my ā€œmotifā€ seem to be ā€œbe as painfully honest as much as possibleā€ with the emphasis on ā€œpainfulā€, as I believe I can act LAMIST and threat whoever doubts me whenever I rand town.

Whenever I rand scum, I still act LAMIST, and just keep doing whatever I want. I tried to be as merciless as possible and bus my teammates if need to be, butā€¦ as seen from the MU Practice Game Scumchat, it was kind of hard to do so. Despite being a toxic douchebag, I have at least some manners when it comes to altruism.

Staying true to myself isnā€™t that difficult, as it could be seen by how jowful I was after I ā€œbetrayedā€ Leafia in Homestuck FM where I randed NK.

As for my recent SFoL game where I subbed in a scumslotā€¦ I donā€™t remember much of it to be honest. All I remember was ā€œI am apparently not going to die,ā€ and I donā€™t remember doing anything in particular in that game. I justā€¦ exist.

imagine knowing your own meta

Thatā€™s pretty much me though. How else did you expect me to kill Arete and abuse their townread on me at MU Practice Game? Without knowing myself, it wouldā€™ve been basically impossible.

Imagine not knowing your own meta

That would beā€¦ normal? Knowing your own meta is a part of growing up IMO. You donā€™t have to do it, but itā€™s usually somewhat better to know it.

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Agreed. Youā€™ll never be able to grow as a player unless you know your own meta.

see my town meta I self vote and claim scum

as scum I dont do anything

imagine not being new

self vote and ATE