[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - FULL (26/26)

We shall wait for the return of @DybuDabu one day.

and theyll have like 20 pings and turn around :^)

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They’d make one post before vanishing.

How would you know?

what if the true dybu dabus were the friends we made along the way?

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Soviet Russia, DybuDabu memes you.

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/uninformed spectator

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I may not have the time to play properly, but at least I can try to solve when I feel like it

that’s deep

I luckily got an insurance extension through the end of the year and have enough meds to last over a month ATM, and I’ve also been cooking more recently which has been helping my mood for sure. I just had my initial appointment on Thursday and got set up with a new clinical psychologist, and after taking time over the past several weeks to wind down with voice clocktower and my small online ACNH friend group, my depression is struggling to keep up with me. :slightly_smiling_face:

For the setup that was my son, I’d say it’s high time to return.

/In as Seat #26



Eh… I guess? IMO It’s pretty much the equivalent of the quotes:

  • “To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.”
    – Socrates
  • “Know thy self, know thy enemies. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.”
    – Sun Tzu

if an explanation for a process extremely large in scope seems too simple, chances are it is

that said, the case of DybuDabu couldn’t really have less scope, and as such I trust him to be a legit player

you know what would be incredible (even though i know this is never going to happen):

if memesky, dybu dabu, and isaac gonzalez all returned and played in the same game

oh yeah

something you guys should know: this game is using a different randing method when it comes to prestige; there will be a much greater chance of prestige spawning (might even be a majority or guarantee of the max of 3; idr) than there was in virtuous 1 and 2; however there is an equal chance between each of the factions getting prestige, rather than it being weighted by slot and thus heavily favoring unseen (like it was in virtuous 1)

same randing method for everything else tho

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I expect at least one Prestige rander to hardclaim self-resolving until EoD 2.

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1 person away.

this game has got to be the peak of mechanical complexity across the entire internet

i am glad that i helped to craft this monstrosity back in the day.

Looks at airlock

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i expect at least one unseen non-prestige to do so as well, in an attempt to escape suspicion and a hope to get converted

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