[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - FULL (26/26)

This is a point I made before but people made fun of me

Iā€™m incredulous that everyone who is being a spec canā€™t play at all.

I understand not wanting to commit, but I donā€™t think everyone needs to spoil themselves as an informed spec

I theoretically could play
If college wasnā€™t a thing

maybe they can

but they donā€™t want to as shown by choosing to spec

so they donā€™t play

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if you removed the option to spectate

you would almost definitely not get any new ins (From those people)

spectators donā€™t want to play or cannot. If they could, and wanted to, they would.

and constantly trying to tell people who donā€™t want to or cannot play to play is justā€¦ irritating at times

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play or looser spectato


But Marshal, clearly the people who make this decision cannot decide for themselves and donā€™t know better.
Clearly they are just misguided ā€œspectatorsā€ who should backup!


Nap has a point about uninformed solo spectating is a more altruistic option as you can still back up should things get dire.

Iā€™m essentially playing this and Aretes game because they struggled to fill and I hate seeing hardwork go to waste.

Or be chad Co-Host :sunglasses:

i just wanna ascend to chad-hood :frowning:

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that removes some of the appeal of spectating.

If someone thought they would want to possibly backup over being a spec, they would. People can make their own damn decisions lol

even if I hadnā€™t self signup banned, I would still spec, and be informed. Because I have no desire to play or backup the game. Even if it might suck that slots replace out, it is not my ā€œdutyā€ to help backup the game.

If you are playing to help games fill, sure, thatā€™s fine.

But thatā€™s not my job or anyoneā€™s job

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I too hope the game fills. I think the setup will be super interesting to watch.

But I can not play and do not want to play. I know that, because I know what I want to do.

spectators have said they do not want to or can not play when they sign up to spectate. They should not be told to play when they have said this.

That is the end of the story.

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You could chat to the Host as a solo uninformed spec :man_shrugging:

some people would rather have the chats or be informed.

and even if they wanted to , still doesnā€™t mean these people should play.

if someone does not want to play, they should not be pressured into taking a less preferable option that makes it possible for them to play.

thatā€™s idiotic


Clearly the solution is for me to join this game and get yeeted D1 :^)

This argument about spectators is far too much, itā€™s safe to say thereā€™s far too many people prefering to spectate than playing in games.

If you canā€™t see how thatā€™s an issue for future games then I donā€™t know whatā€™s going through your head, Marshal. People have their reasons to prefer to spectate over inning, but the lack of backups and players lead to the downfall and is what makes people lost interest in FM.

Back when the spectating meme was well, a meme, it deteriorated me from wanting to bother hosting or even playing in games that I felt would get a lack of players. Granted, I still went for them, but when you and I were hosting Short Fuse V and the fact that spectators were more active than the players themselves was just annoying as hell.

i just donā€™t wanna play waz

Ugh, as Iā€™ve fucking stated 20 times, I can understand that.

I need specs to talk to to be sane when watching townplay clearly

then why are you mad about it wisknfncmerkn

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