[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - FULL (26/26)

that’s rude to me >:(

What a lame copypasta

As we all know

The best copypasta is joy crab



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That uh wasn’t intended to be a slight against the mormon church

but I do find the people who come by my house what feels like every day when we have a big sign on our front porch that says “please don’t do that” to be irritating

and I think it’s something that a few people (at least americans) can relate to




It’s not me. It will never be me. At any interval in which you thought “Anstreim might be Blue Dragon” erase it from your memory banks because it might as well not even exist. People will remember me not as the person who played SFoL, rather the person who wasn’t Blue Dragon. I don’t care if I never make any other significant accomplishment on FoL as long as people understand that in this game I will never flip Blue Dragon. I want it written on my tombstone and I want it passed down my generation so if by chance my offspring plays Mafia you are all reminded of the time you lynched me and I wasn’t Blue Dragon. Under no circumstance in this game will I ever flip BD. When the world undergoes heat death millions of years from now and the last star burns out and existence itself is torn asunder, somewhere in the desolated cosmos there will be my last reverberations spreading far and wide that I was never BD.

Either way I completely agree with Marshal in that I trust every single spectator to be confident in their decision to spectate.
Because they wouldn’t sign up as one if they weren’t certain about it.

Amelia remember that I’m going to help with the flavor btw.

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stop stealing MU copypastas that I already stole but haven’t used yet

Well stop being too fucking slow Kat.

then its prob just me

bc i’m kinda indecisive with my decisions

pardon me for not playing FM

figure you of all people would understand :^)

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What is my perfect crime? I break into the fridge at midnight. Do I go for the cheese? No, I go for the butter, it’s priceless. As I’m taking it down, a woman catches me. She tells me to stop. It’s her father’s business; she’s a roll. I say no. We eat sticks of unsalted butter all night. In the morning the cops come, and I escape in one of their uniforms. I tell her to meet me in Mexico, but I go to Canada - I don’t trust her. Besides, I like the cold. Thirty years later, I get a postcard: I am on a roll. This is where the story gets interesting. I tell Tiffany to meet me in Paris, by the Trocadéro. She’s been waiting for me all these years, she’s never eaten another stick of butter. I don’t care. I don’t show up. I go to Berlin. That’s where I stashed the my butter.


Anstreim has been executed

He was:

The Arbiter

she’s a roll

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guys i need your help for a navy seals copypasta for neuts

I’m on a roll

A Roll died last night! They were…



Anstreim has been executed! He was…

The Watchman

Hand of Byzantium Investigative
Tracking (Day) - Tomorrow, you will learn if target player left their room last night. - 3 uses
Spotter (Day) - Assign an observer to a player. You will learn who visited them at the end of every night. Reusing the ability will swap the observer to a different player. You may target yourself. - Infinite uses
Silent Stalking (Night) - Learn a player’s visitors and who they visited. - Infinite uses
Midnight Vigil (Night) - Learn the visitors of two players and who they visited. You will only be seen visiting the first player. - One use
Defeat the Unseen and the Blue Dragon.


Not only did I roll an even more gutted Observer with Nightwatch, I got converted to the Hand of Byzantium and was teased by the gloriousness of Midnight Vigil.

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