[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - FULL (26/26)

If you’re bled, in the PoE, or going to be jail-exed you can use this for free KP.

Or prevent a converter from being executed.

Yeah I think I seen them before I just can’t remember where.

Like at least their PFP and their name fits with what I believe to remember them as.

I’ll /Informed Spectate in case this wasn’t made clear.
Seems I won’t have my blacklist lifted in time to play this.
Though I might as well enjoy my break while it lasts.

You are allowed to backup too if you really wanted to play

(And backups are always appreciated)

Oh, haha, are you referring to me? :slight_smile: I’m on a number of other Discord servers.

Yeah I swear I messaged you before.

Hmm I could /backup if someone has to replace out after my blacklist is over.

Oh, well I played an android in that one video game, so maybe you remember me from there… :grinning: Haha, actually I’ve only been using this 2B avatar for about a week now. And I’ve often used a Saber avatar, so it’s a good thing I didn’t have one this time since it appears someone else uses Saber here. :slight_smile: Now that would have been even more confusing. :slight_smile:

As for the name Whysper, I’ve been using that for around a year now. It’s my 3rd online persona. Speaking of which, I heard that Surge is your 4th name, so not sure what your previous names were and if I’d recognize them. Haha, other than the presumptuous Seth the King, which I certainly don’t recognize. :grinning:

There’s never enough Saber.

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Haha, so true. That’s why there’s Saber Alt, Saber Lily, and all those others. :grinning:

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So Whysper, this isn’t your first time playing social deduction games?

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It feels like I worked on this setup forever ago.

Do it, no gall

I only have limited experience with social deduction games. I’ve played Coup a number of times with some friends. I recently played a bit of the mobile version of Town of Salem. That’s about it. When I was researching Town of Salem and Werewolf, I saw Throne of Lies and thought it might be the better game to invest time into learning. Then on the Discord server for Throne of Lies, I found out about this Forum of Lies and thought a slower-paced game might be better for me to have time to think about my moves. So that’s how I ended up here. :slight_smile:


That’s where it is!
I swear you must have been on TOS Forums.

You’re either going to love us or hate us.


insert joke about how you can’t have a neutral stance and vulgard being neuts out because i’m too lazy to make one

Haha, I’m actually worried about it the other way around. I’ll be either loved or hated for making a stupid play in the game. :grinning:

don’t worry
we’ll make even dumber plays :upside_down_face: