[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - FULL (26/26)


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Only just noticed.


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Thisā€¦just isnā€™t funny anymore. Players just spectating is annoying, not to mention the fact that thereā€™s 7. If you canā€™t play, you donā€™t have to spam spectate, or if you canā€™t play currently, even though this game probably wonā€™t start for a while, you can backup as to help Amelia help fill their game. This is literally one of the reasons I banned spectators from my game due to the annoyance from them, well, existing.

I know Iā€™m probably ranting about how a lot of things on these forums are annoying as hell, but we literally had 7 spectators before we got our first actual in. Itā€™s annoying for hosts when everyone just spams /spectate.

I donā€™t mean to tell yā€™all not to spectate or anything, but can we just stop following the same dumb meme from ages ago?


I mean I donā€™t think itā€™s a meme

I literally cannot play

but I want to be in informed chat

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I mean, if you have a fair reason to spectate Iā€™m not getting annoyed by that, itā€™s just the fact that there are 7 god damn spectators in a 26 player game and yā€™all still expect it to fill.

i donā€™t


It would be better if people backupped instead of spectated.

I"m not doing it for any meme.
I just never play any SFoL anymore.

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im spectating because

  1. i donā€™t want to play FM atm
  2. if i wanted to play FM atm, i donā€™t think itā€™d be multiball
  3. iā€™m willing to assist with cohosting if necessary
  4. with all of the above in mind, being in spectator chat feels appropriate?

no not really

i donā€™t think it will, unfortunately

i mean

its not really a meme i just dont really want to play

cohosting with amelia would be fun


We need people to join to fill the game, so here I am I suppose.
I am not much in power nor substance but I will do my best.

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Iā€™m spectating because itā€™s likely to overlap with Champs semis and I donā€™t want to let you all down by multitabling that and anything

and while in practice I have even odds of being dead by EoN2 I donā€™t really want to risk it

@Amelia You missed this.

cohosting with amelia is fun

You get to panick when some nerdflayer goes /minstorm gaja ritualist :^)


And/or panic because 4 people replace out and someone quotes a neighborhood whilst Iā€™m sleeping


Then I recommend backupping instead of spectating, even if you donā€™t want to play, this game doesnā€™t look like itā€™s going to fill anyway.

You know I quite like when my gameā€™s integrity gets breached
Itā€™s quite fun trying to patch up whatever mess has been made

Can confirm
Is extremely fun