[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - FULL (26/26)


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Fricking cowards, my first game was RM2 and that was beyond non-newb friendly.

Clash of Cults


And here youā€™ve arrived.

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I will join after someone explains to me what happens if one evil converts the other.
Are the evils convert-immune?


Just ignore mechanics. When the Assassin kills someone who shouldā€™ve been immune, and you empowered them, you have to assume they are still town and your mechanical lead is false.


Thereā€™s so much information overload reeeee
Iā€™m just gonna simplify everything into a notepad

Evils canā€™t convert other evils

The conversion chart only allows Unseen classes to be converted.

The Unseen is evil though

Can we convert Spectators?

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In that case:


Still inning into this game because I feel like FM is the only thing I put any level of effort into these days.

i want to play with vulgard

Yes, they get converted into the same role which is spectator

Also, kill the King night 1 and elect a wolf, then set them up to go deep and let the game run for 10 days before the villagers realize what theyā€™ve been doing wrong.


ā€¦we should probably make one FoL where the uninformed majority are spectators, and ban actual spectators from that game.

I want to play with Vul


I canā€™t confidently say I have the ability to commit to this setup