[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!


/vote Leafia

hi arbiter

this explanation is “these people are protecting each other” - however with wazza kinda confirmed to have done pro-town things last night I don’t think this is teaming, closer to 3 individuals forming a towncore (or trying to, at least). Not saying that it should exist, though.

I personally thought it was easier for BD to be hiding bussing rather than being outside, because now they would be pretty obvious


what do I have to go off of for HoB ._.
I can work with available information, but can’t really deduce things from people

I have a towntell?

Non-commital here

These posts look weird post flip?


In conclusion, he’s right. He didn’t wagon Alice.

His interaction with PK are a thin defence of the slot. Like leaning scum, but his behaviour questioning mechanic claims and bleeds feeos weird to me

Only Arbiter is death-immune. Champion is not.
It’s impossible for Wazza to be Arbiter though, because… PK died.
Arbiter is HoB Special; it can’t kill during the night.

NGL, you’re spouting more BS the more you try to shade Wazza.

But that would mean that he’d also have to be death-immune against Alice.
…and whatever that role might be, it isn’t the Champion

I thought he’d already explained this to you:

Yup. Alice killed PK Wazza. You didn’t.

I think she meant Alice shot Wazza…

I swear Leafia, you need to read up.

If you had even tried killing PK, then wouldn’t you be dead now?


It’s actually annoying the hell out of me now.

fuck no, Wazza is Marauder.

Never mind.

Alice THOUGHT she was busdriven to me, mate. Stop spewing your BS and get your head out of the gutter instead of reading backwards and commenting on things.

Alice shot ME and was NOT redirected. The only reason neither of us are dead is because we are both death immune. I killed PK because he was redirected and ATTACKED me.

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I think that from the way that PK was acting, even trying to shift the wagon onto Magnus, means that BD was trying to save rather than bus Insanity. And Magnus is probs not BD here.

I don’t think Vul busses a lot, let alone bus both team mates d1.

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I guess that’s an explanation. Instantly hard claiming tho probably wasn’t the best idea for Wazza, but whatever.

I kinda wondered what went on when Alice attacked you

If the last BD were trying to hide/go deep, this might be plausible.

But their refusal to crossvote tells me that BD just kinda…froze. That or alice is doing a megabrain hardbus but I don’t think that’s it.

Ik from marbylipics team that freeze is def the more common reaction to w/w wagons.

I don’t know Vul that much ._.
I can say that if I had as much respect + talking power as Vul then I’d 100% go for that play

Pretty much why I locked onto Wazza until the Marauder/Marauder interaction was cleared.

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I’m the kind of guy that tries to catch megabrain hardbusses more than normal plays .-.

Ah. I get it now. How are you death immune though?

ok ill check in a couple years see if you find one

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