[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Alice, didn’t you say you had a redcheck earlier?

I’m kinda curious if you were memeing or you were somehow serious (despite already outing)

Top three town


Top three scum


In case anyone was curious.

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I was thinking intensify sod, but I’ll need to recharge my phone and gave ISO dive today at the names being thrown around and see what I like.

thanks, feels nice after you kept calling me scum repeatedly.

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That check was you

You’re welcome and sorry about earlier.

Really? I thought they said it after that whole ordeal.

I attacked you and you survived. For a moment I thought that I hit the Arbiter since they’re night immune. I didn’t realize Marauder/Marauder interactions worked like that.

Just thought of something

Bd kill never hits this because lolredirect.

Cent was 99% always killed either for reads/skill, PR hunt, or BD hunt.

I’m pretty sure reads kill usually goes to vulgard or alice. If magnus is town, pr hunt goes there probably.

Idk if we can figure out if cent is a likely BD hunt (ik I had some suspicious last night), but if we can rule that out then magnus might be sorta-conf HoB.

It’s fine, I still think you’re scum tho, just a bit annoying.

Neither did I, that’s why I began a tunnel on you and quickly dissolved it after it was pointed out.

Also Alice, keep in mind you get an extra night of death immunity, even if you kill an Unseen member.

Again, Hob won’t waste night kills killing BD night 1.


I think he was killed for being the clearest villager. Nobody was actually SR’ing him and he’s not exactly SPK material, nor did he ever feel PR-y.

Mole, that’s irrelevant, I was redirected towards PK anyway, remember?

(I was scumreading him, then again I was a scumread in lots of peoples eyes)

Why I can’t have been HoB who killed PK:

  • Alice would’ve killed me.
  • PK would’ve killed me.
  • Why would I claim the kill on PK instantly?
  • Technically I claimed to target PK almost instantly without even knowing I was redirected to him anyway.

You seriously think I’d make a mistake and say my real role while claiming to have bountied PK as arbiter? If I was arbiter, why even claim to have bountied a dead person? That makes no sense whatsoever.

(Haven’t read up so idk what the "again"s about)

But that takes out the last bit.

all that’s left is the wifom then…

That’s my take as well.

Kthxbai…frigging addiction.