[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Not really in the situation that we find ourselves in. Why would HoB even want to kill PK here?

Uhā€¦ How about the useless-but-unfortunately-confirmed-until-someone-counterclaims Torturer that is Magnus?

either a PR read, or a townread

Iā€™m pretty sure he would there to exist

No one was TRing him or PRing him. He was literally the scummiest looking person alive due to Insanityā€™s flip.

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fucking hell
youā€™re all complete fucking fools
iā€™m actually going to have to claim to convince you, arenā€™t i

if wazza was scum, HoB would kill him for town cred

/Vote Italy this pretty much solves itself yeah go ahead and claim again

iā€™m the Soulcatcher
i convinced insanity i was the saint and got him to tell me who BD was attacking for a free soul

Italy: I saw Wazza visit Leafia.
Leafia: Why would Warrior Wazza want to kill PK?
Italy: *did not ignore the answer despite having claimed to have seen Wazza visit Leafia*

That holds no water with two factions alive.

obviously i didnā€™t want to claim a fucking PR but guess we canā€™t have nice things now can we

i knew full well that it was PK who attacked centuries this entire time
because i was able to trick insanity

wait so Whysper is the scummy one?

ā€¦you are talking to the King, the Duke who killed the Marshal, and the Aristocrat who slipped claiming as Arbiter.

ā€¦and you notice this, only now?

You already claimed Stalker.
You canā€™t claim again, otherwise I can claim King.

watch me

The Soulcatcher :shield:

Unseen Support
Incantations (Passive) - You may speak with the dead during the night.
Prestige (Passive) - Only up to three classes with Prestige may spawn; including the starting Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium class (if the starting Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium class has Prestige, their equivalent Unseen class cannot spawn).
Bind Soul (Day) - Make yourself and target player night immune tonight. - One use :crown:
Collect Soul (Night) - If target player dies tonight, you will obtain their soul (you start with 2 souls). - Infinite uses :crown:
Reanimate (Night) - Bring a dead Unseen member with a non-unique, non-Prestige class back to life. Each night they remain alive, a soul will be consumed. When you run out of souls or die, the resurrected player dies. - One use
Defeat the Blue Dragon and the Hand of Byzantium.

Hereā€™s what Italy is claiming.

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wait so run it over again how do you know wazza is scum from your night abilities

Wow. Trusting a dead BD. What a smart idea.

You already claimed Stalker, which is also a PR.
Soā€¦ yeah, we canā€™t have nice things.
Especially after I killed PKR, lol.


Italy claims to have tracked Wazza, which isnā€™t something the soulcatcher can even do.