[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

wait HoB did kill PK? wtf

i claimed saint to insanity in deadchat who was worried because ā€œthey lost a member early on and itā€™d be bad if we were left to fight a 20v3ā€
so i wanted to ā€œknow who BD was nightkillingā€ so that ā€œwe wouldnā€™t kill the same personā€

basically a free soul with no deduction needed whatsoever

yes because bd would trust hob

PK was redirected to Wazza by Whysperā€™s ability. Hense why you are thunderdomed with him. Yup. You openwolfed big time here.

PK attacks Centā€¦ which was denied because of Whysper + Wazza. ā€¦and you prioritized pushing Wazza instead of Whysper?

saint is a mirror to the blasphemer, who revives voices
priest is a mirror to the soulcatcher, who revives players
the third BD is dead, so i canā€™t be priest
iā€™m literally self resolving

i had to try something
also me slightly failing to put two and two together but hush

If whysperā€™s claim is true, then that means literally nothing



Then why claim Stalker then? Also, why trust a dead BD? For all you knew, they could be trying to trick you.

it means plenty, because centuries died exactly as insanity said

Are dead scum even able to access scumchat?
Otherwise itā€™d be impossible for him to know who is the next target, assuming that scum didnā€™t plan who theyā€™d kill during D1 instead of N1.

itā€™s not like i had much to lose
oh no i didnā€™t get a soul this night the game is over

No because they would get redirected to Wazza and Wazza would murder PK

We only have your word about that and youā€™ve already proven to be a liar.

how dare i try to avoid claiming a fucking PRESTIGE class
how dare i be intelligent
how dare i be the only smart PR in this entire game who wasnā€™t killed by the GAMETHROWING DUKE

you see THIS itty bitty passive right here?
the one that says PRESTIGE on it?
that just MIGHT have something to do with ME NOT WANTING TO CLAIM.

And you canā€™t be Visionary nor any HoB becauseā€¦?

Oh really now? So you admit ā€œmaking an errorā€ during your ā€œattempt to convince us to execute Wazzaā€? Oh how clumsy you are! (Cynism.)

And Insanity cannot ā€œaccidentallyā€ predict HoBā€™s kill becauseā€¦?

because i can revive someone tonight and oh gee itā€™s like iā€™m literally confirmed isnā€™t it strange how that one works