[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

okay am read up lemme switch to computer

ok maybe if he manage to prove he could talk to the dead

No you can’t because you could be lying about being soulcatcher. You can confirm yourself tonight though if you’re telling the truth though.

Third BD is Visionary, and all you can do Today is make someone night-immune.
So… How exactly are you mech!cleared?

i can currently revive someone for three (four? should probably ask when they die) nights

since all saint can do is bind somebody’s voice to them, and i can’t be priest, the only other revive capable class

that’s kind of confirming isn’t it

what does night immune mean? same as occupy all visitors?

can’t die

Immune to dying at night

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Yes, but if you’re soulcatcher, you can only do so at night, so if Centuries isn’t alive tomorrow, you’re getting yeeted.

the question is if it’s worth reviving the joat over everyone else
considering i can’t revive any of the actually “powerful” classes, the answer is probably yes

Three things can happen:

  • Italy legit SC, gets message from PKR
  • Italy fake SC, I get converted, and tell this to everyone
  • Italy be Saint who got royally fucked up by Insanity

so italy can you paraphrase the post from PKR that zone asked for?

i’m not in deadchat at day

why wouldn’t i claim blasphemer then

ohyeah duh they died this morning nvm

I’m pretty sure HoB and BD wouldn’t choose the same person to kill if Italy is a saint

…Italy, who did you target N1?

The only way to be sure that Italy is telling the truth is for him to bring Centuries back tonight then. Why’d I get a sense of Deva vu while writing this post?

If king is HoB, would that block conversion?