[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

why tf would I block conversion if I’m HoB king

if you followed literally any of my posts you’d know i fakeclaimed saint trying to cooperate because it’d be bad if HoB was left to fight a 20v3 alone
which is how i got him to tell me who was going to be attacked at night

because of the 4-person limit

which is how i know that PK attacked centuries

I’m also calling it a night now, so good night everyone.

the limit doesn’t count kings

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I dunno. I am not “smart” enough to fakeclaim Stalker in the first place.

…you do realize that Italy can just straight up lie about talking with Insanity if he is legit Saint (HoB), right?

if italy is legit saint he could’ve just talked to insanity either way

and get himself killed for saying that Insanity said BD killed Cent? maybe

I quoted a Soulcatcher ability.
Soulcatchers start with 2 souls, and get one if the person they target during night phase dies.

So I will repeat my question:
“Who did you target N1?”

are you a fucking fool
i knew centuries was gonna die who do you think i targeted

My opinion on stuff:

let italy and wazza/whisper live today, I think our poe is good enough to hit scum elsewhere. Hopefully the visionary.

if cent is alive tomorrow, we kill wazza&whisper. Otherwise yeet italy.

there is some dumb world where wazza was redirected
he should probably get investigated or something

also an extra stupid world where PK was corpse swapped
but i’ll be extra disappointed in myself if that’s the case

Italy can be HoB and not saint, and just claim talkee-with-dead to fuck with wazzaconfirm

italy can revive person
thus cannot be HoB

Honestly, even if Italy revived Cent. Hurray, Wazza and Whysper are still technically confirmed considering Whysper + Wazza ability

…this is what I am seeing in front of me though.

How did you know? BD couldn’t have killed Cent because Whysper + Wazza.
So how did you know Cent was going to die?

He was indeed redirected into PK and vice versa through Whysper. But that doesn’t involve him visiting Leafia, now does it?

…why would it matter though? Why would Wazza getting redirected matter to you, whose only job is to convey the words of the dead?

I’m super confused right now but is this a slip between claims?
(ie. they’re both fakeclaims)

Whatever, I can’t read stupidity, so I assume everything is done with a functioning brain.

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