[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Heading back out myself too. Good night again.

Have you even been reading.
Well your on my list of candidates to poison.

Yet we seem to keep forgetting Scum has investigation manipulation.

zone gone?

i want to say that iā€™m pretty confident in my ability to trick people

None of this thunderdome uses invest abilities.

Italy says insanity straight-up told them the cent kill is BD.

Which doesnā€™t jive with wazzaā€™s claim of pgoing PK (with whyspers orderofexchange)

confident enough to believe i tricked a wolf who probably completely forgot soulcatcher was a thing because they thought i could be ā€œblasphemerā€

there was a discussion
it lasted for a good bit
he thought i could be blasphemer
i asked him what blasphemer would have to gain from knowing who was going to die when they canā€™t do a thing about it and made sure to leave out the fact that soulcatcher was a thing :^)

hey, I didnā€™t know poacher had attacker pgo.

And I forgot the intensify bleed until I was reminded.

the thing is
if i can convince people that iā€™m one of the more powerful PRs despite just being vanilla, like in ToS2
or i can convince the entire town that i hit a death immune after being modrevealed wolf to drag people into a delayed rampage like in deus ex 3
iā€™m quite confident i can convince one person that iā€™m actually scum

Yet I mentioned ā€œPoisonā€ serval Times.

Ummm, the thing is, all this confidence in tricking people makes you look even more scummy beyond what your confusing trail of lies does already. :grinning:

All I can say further is that Iā€™m sticking by my claim to Bureaucrat. Itā€™s the truth and like others have pointed out, it is the simplest explanation that also jives with the other claims from earlier today. Italyā€™s trail of fake claims and convoluted logic just attempt to confuse things and point fingers the wrong way.

Letā€™s try to focus on more likely BD or HoB suspects. Iā€™m not sure where I stand on going after the last BD vs going after HoB at this point. I can see how getting the last BD would make things simpler later.

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Night 1 convert not possible however it doesnt stop with fake visits, nice job I suppose.

read down.

I amā€¦

the stalker claim was false because i didnā€™t want to claim my role, because itā€™s a prestige

The push went nowhere, so in my tinfoil of them being bd/bd together it could make sense. Insanity does stupid push on Alice -> Alice gets cleared from it -> PK gets killed -> Alice takes the credit -> Alice gets towncored -> Alice pushes agenda -> Alice endgames and regrows the BD under the radar. That was my tinfoil earlier, but there are worlds in which Alice as BD strives from that. Itā€™s probably just a tinfoil, but never assume that pushes like that canā€™t be w/w. Did you play ToS2 (hosted by Ici)? In that game the wolf theatrics between the scum team were so good that a few of my fellow wolf buddies got towncored and could have won even if 3 out of 5 wolves died. Donā€™t be a damn sheep so much. Sometimes you should sheep others reads, but other times you should go against the narrative. Learn when to trust someone without blindly trusting them. Things arenā€™t always what they seem. I am not trying to cast shade on Alice or anyone else I just want you to understand that scum can and have done much worse in regards to crap like fake pushing someone.

I want you to read RM4. That was the game that made me paranoid of Alice and my paranoia of Alice in a game like this is something that isnā€™t new. In CFM2 I was killed by Alice for talking about pushing for her death on d3 (town Alice almost never lives that long), as when Alice is town she dies early. If she lives long into the game she is either damn lucky, a wolf, converted, or evil noot.

The last BD is probably not in that pool, but I donā€™t like self resolving claims. Insanity claimed self resolving and look what they were. In fact I tried tactics like this to save my top cult leader candidates back in FoL 29 (I was the evil king there). Not saying you are scum, but that isnā€™t always the best play and can come from scum trying to save their teammates. I am just saying that you should be wary of self resolving claims.

good grief

Donā€™t you dare start that angelshooty crap with me

Low key I suspect this to be the last BD

This statement is partially why I low key believe that Whysper is the last BD. The reason I think this is that it looks like Whysper is trying to make arguments for going after HoB over the last BD. Removing the last BD removes one scum team completely, permanently removes 1 source of scum KP (which makes it harder for the HoB to reach parity), and putā€™s us in a pretty nice position. Itā€™s 16 vs 4 on d3 (if we get the Visionary today) and 13 vs 2 vs 4 (if we donā€™t get the visionary)

I am going to bed now, but I donā€™t want to see anymore hard claims when I wake up. I also donā€™t want us chasing rabbits into rabbit holes over the most stupid things. Stay focused and on target, we can remove a scum faction completely on d2. When was the last time we have completely destroyed a scum faction on the second day? This could be big, but good night everyone