[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

I think Italy is legit. There’s actually more Unseen motivation here at play than HoB/BD motivation, plus he’s been a strong TR previously so he’s safe.

i still don’t understand why i can’t just be allowed to do simple things like revive the marshal because the gamethrowing duke is a big nerd

I think if gorta’s a wolf then he’s HoB. He was acting way too calm at the EoD and not like he was having both his wolfbuddies wagoned.

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…don’t bleed Ash.

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this is definitely the biggest reason i don’t actually try all that much in games
i start getting insanely competitive and start to realize how badly everyone can be fucking up

I’m hating how the only thing that gorta is doing is basically making sure the yeetpool stays open while shooting down any clears at all. I don’t think he cleared anyone so far and every time someone proposes a clear he just brings up a scenario no matter how unlikely on why we shouldn’t clear them.


Yeah, but it’s easier to accept stuff (Occam’s Razor) if this wasn’t the case.
The odds of Italy being town based off Insanity is pretty much like the odds of Insanity flipping town during D1; not impossible, but improbable --and in the end it really was improbable.

I would like you to show me which posts they were.

Ditto’ing Alice: Don’t bleed Ash.

Three hours of sleep… good enough.

…and why exactly are you avoiding to use the word “Saint”?

First you said you tricked him as Saint, and now you say he thought you could be Blasphemer?
Wow. This lie gets bigger and bigger by the the moment!

I agree with this.

by the way please kill the king tonight because i’m pretty sure the king is a wolf

peak loltown
all three prs outed before eod 2

i said in the pregame thread that people would hardclaim self-resolving before eod 2 but i didn’t expect every PR to be outed by then
peak loltown, this game

but that would mean that whysper’s claim is fake too… because whysper claimed to redirect wazza and pk to each other
wouldn’t it?

literally what is the point of this play if italy is a wolf

also hello another PR is outed wonderful

they die when you run out of souls or when you die, whichever happens first

also i think that italy’s claim is >rand v

you do realize that this means wazza didn’t necessarily lie, because his red doesn’t bypass immunity
but whysper did, if we believe italy, because the red they claimed does bypass immunity

i will repeat this

especially the way he approached it and reasoned about it later
also, his play this game has been consistent with “town pr” because he cared about the game

i think that king is BD in particular
they seemed to be pretty confident to join me in my aggressive attempt to strangle someone i’m confident is HoB

italy/whysper: mech shit to be resolved. italy contradicts whysper. i honestly don’t want to spend the whole day on this. both are sticking to their claims with no rescind
atnoname: wolf king fmpov
cloned: wolf
n: could be a wolf based on how he’s been playing
gorta: still thinking wolf
mole: same as N
sulit: wouldn’t leave that slot alone and give it a pass, but it’s probably not a priority to solve

i think light has been kinda villagery but it’s also notable that they have barely ever seemed relaxed this game, which i find weird
light was extremely relaxed and free-flowy in the last game i saw him play village
and he’s almost definitely not a town PR because those have been mostly outed
so what gives?

i have no clue if it means “when you run out of souls” or “if you have zero souls by SoD”
i really should ask

@Aelin talk to me about your reads and stuff
i’d like to know where you stand and why you’ve been playing the way you’ve been playing

it’s like
do they die if you have no souls from SoN to SoD
or just if you have 0 souls at any point whatsoever

I still think it’s likely both are Unseen with HoB and BD having the same target.

Wait, just realized PK would be redirection immune.

Still didn’t Wazza claim to target PK? So Wazza killed PK, PK killed Cent, so this kind of doesn’t explain what happened to the HoB kill.

if whysper is real then PK would theoretically still have been counterattacked by wazza