[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

wazza claims to glare pk
pk is red immune
but whysper’s ability bypasses red immunity

So this returns to the original scenario were PK was going to attack Cent, and then go redirected to Wazza. So HoB kills Cent in this scenario.

i wonder what the wagons are
once again i feel like i read through 800 posts with barely any of them being important

Don’t worry. You convinced more than one people.

At ease, soldier. We ought to focus on finding the last BD… and solve Italy at the same time.
–actually, I am starting to wonder if it’s even possible for Italy to be the damned Visionary.

That’s quite the ambiguous answer for someone supposedly town.

Back to Saint, I see?

No. It is rather perfectly normal for anyone to doubt your claim, since bleeds only have 3 charges for both scum factions, so it’s odd if you were to be bled within the 10 minutes.

There might be little to no benefit if you were town, but people (still) don’t know whether you are town or not, and if you were scum then you might have just been planning to hoard the healers for yourself.

And how exactly do you prove that you are a villager?
–without claiming, of course.

…don’t tell me you are actually buying Italy’s story, despite Wazza’s victory yell at the very start of the Day Phase?

Except you got no proof. Just like how Insanity had no proof of being the Fanatic.

Then, do you have a better idea?

by dunking on both flipped wolves day 1 while bleeding
oh wait i already did that

i kinda feel like alice with all the tinfoil surrounding me

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for one
why would i do this claim if i was scum
why completely ruin myself with dumbassery that would get me killed the moment whysper flipped
there’s literally no reason

i agree that wolf italy has no reason to claim here and change the claim so quickly for whatever reason
even if he gets a misyeet he just gets killed soon

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even powerful social players are townreading me
alice has towncored me
why would a person in the perfect position to deepwolf just go on a total suicide mission to kill one person

by the way guys if i get a hob pelt later does that mean i’m bussing?

i’m considering saving my res for vulgard
i don’t want to be stuck alone with people like zone

…you have got to be kidding me, right?
Sis, don’t you fear conversion at all?

…Sis Alice, there is only so much we can do to protect you. There is the Duke and the Torturer. Only two confirmed “defenders” and I am the one in charge of “worst case scenarios” of day occs and night occs. There are only two “defenders” …and you want to protect all three people?

You don’t understand something, and then proceeded to answer the question yourself.
–in the first place, you can’t even bloody revive PKR since the Marshal is a Prestige class.
Damn ******* that can’t even understand the situation.

italy can just wifom himself because loldayprotector

I’m thinking more and more that this is the likely scenario. Everything still fits and it explains where the HoB kill went.

Even though I know Italy’s attempt to place me as scum is wrong, I guess I could see this being a misdirected town move instead of a scum move. So please get this worked out clearly enough so we can look for the real targets.

i can’t guarantee i will keep up with the game while dead but it’s probably a decent choice i suppose
does this mean i am spewing myself as not PR

look who’s talking

start a cw on gorta guys

Too bad you started to “try” again, huh?

One problem: we don’t know if there is a Servant or not.

Then, who do you believe?

Glad to see you are somewhat up to date.

The kill of the century, they say

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Haha, that’s actually clever :grinning:

Honestly I wouldn’t go for smartassery kills unless it’s valid spk target.

by the way zone should still be banned following this game
jail me if you want, i don’t care
that was blatant gamethrowing and you admitted to it


he’s been called out
shouldn’t suggest punishment, it’s in the mod’s hands now