[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

If you’re Unseen you’re blatantly throwing the game by not preventing your own death when you have a very obvious chance.

it practically game solves so it’s fine

Then why don’t you out your stupid yellowcheck if it literally gamesolves?

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It’s our job as town to decide whether you’re being honest.

It’s your job as town to give us all the information you can and make a believable claim (ie not cc’ing marshal)

If we’re wrong, that’s on us not you.

If you don’t tell us anything, that is on you.

Alright stop with the question,Soul reveal it

dw about it It’s fine my love

wolfs getting scared that they will be revealed for pushing me now is funny

lmao you are literally the safest mislych in existance if you’re town.


everyone unvote off of Soul

no exe happens until they reveal

@Vulgard hey babeb wanna join in the brawl?

i’m gonna level with you all here
soul is 100% trying to antagonize us into QLing them
this is just gonna kill discussion either way so i say we grant them their dying wish to die

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a yellow check is nothing if they cant defend themself? the point of a yellow is to try and get them to slip up on their claim, not just vig them because ‘they could be scum’

also ftr I think socially Italy’s d1 is enough where they should be given the chance to self resolve, since…they can actually do that

also Magnus should use his ability to protect from conversions tonight on a PR/stronk player

big mistake

I mean we got Alice who outted herself, Surge who outted himself.

time to talk to vulguard about some stuff guys UwU

ZOINKS scoob :slight_smile:

we plan out our night actions here
soul is definitely lolcatting and is going to do nothing but waste discussion time to a quicklynch is valid here

@Magnus just fyi i have already softed this, in case it impacts your thinking