[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

I need to be able to act to use KP.

We already have a good PoE, we should start burning through it ASAP as wolves from tonight on get 2 converts each 2 nights.

welp idk what happened in allies
and frankly since I wasnā€™t in it i dont rly want to give evidence from there much attentionā€¦

your claim is actually sus
it serves as a reason to let you live to ā€œconfirm yourselfā€ while telling people not to occ/red you
thatā€™s exactly what visionary would want in this scenario

I litterally just asked to be redirected ._.
if im visionary then i have no way of stopping that
if im actual minstrel then i do

But if we redirect a Visionary onto a town, it will convert them.

then youā€™d be fine with it if we had you redirected into healing intensify

iā€™d be fine

but itā€™s up to our redirector to decide who i get redirected to

either intensify bleeds out, doesnā€™t get converted and cloned is visionary
or intensify lives
sounds simple enough

they would be converted if i was visionary right

converts are processed last
very last
since intensify was bled day 1, they die tonight if not healed

is there a problem with you not being able to score a convert

im just confused on mech lmao

like letā€™s say i was visionary
and i convert a target that dies that night
what do they flip as

since you canā€™t convert a dead player and converts come last
theyā€™d be

yeah they will be dead

but like
order of operations
is it that they die as unseen and game over
or that they die as unseen, convert goes through, and shows as convert

they die as unseen
never join the BD

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Why would you care so much about this? You are minstrel after all, right? :grinning:

a dead player cannot ever be converted, and a player would be dead because deaths are processed before converts

no im just curious
i guess im just like that
i kinda need to figure out any confusing thing

cool cool

Hello people I am back and I just want to tell you that Throne of Lies has brought me more suffering that I can ever imagine.

Also cool Iā€™m getting healed or not I guessā€¦