[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

hi im back

gunna catch up in multiple posts bc nobody reads my bigass walls

uno momento por favor

I am curious. Soul scumread Leafia, but you donā€™t like the fact that they didnā€™t vote her.
Meanwhile, (I am assuming that) you are starting to not like Leafiaā€™s reactions either.
Given these (possibly unrelated) facts, what kind of relation do you think that Soul/Leafia has between V/V, V/W, W/V, and W/W?

I read them.

thanks for the explanation
i think itā€™s perfectly reasonable to believe that
but i dont think you should scumread him purely off of that; it should be a null.
as you said yourself, itā€™s NAI.

Uhhh Iā€™m pretty sure W/V and V/W are the same things but nvm that. Hmm if I were to say, Iā€™m thinking theyā€™re both scum right now, so W/W.

iā€¦actually understand

if I get this right, FYPoV

a.Chloe gets voted by vul then you
b.Chloe decides to push you instead of vul because ???
c.When asked to back up read, instead says its an RT

thatsā€¦not a terrible train of thought

kinda like it

though I am less prone to agree with your read on chloe, i like it

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Soul was the second one to vote for me.

Whoā€™s going to improve townreads for that matter

Read up to ~60. Intensifyā€™s tone so far looks pretty good, probs putting him as a light townlean.

Agreeing with Mole and Vul on N. I donā€™t think Vulā€™s bleed is AI being that there are two wolfteams here.


Uhhh Iā€™m not scumreading them based off the bleed or anything, sure it could be possible but itā€™s wierd. However, I was scumreading them based off of how they reacted to me not believing the bleed, and their actions after.


TBE being carefree looks fairly villagery as well so far.

what do you think of vul


Fun fun, GG scum.

Due to some things. I would like to annouce that I was bled. However, I was not bled right now, I was bled before all of this, like around the time I said I was gonna leave.

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For the purposes of asociative reads, i feel like it would be better to ask V/V, V/W, W/V, W/W same faction, or W/W different faction

Intensifyā€¦hmmm, Iā€™m not sure what to think about him although as for TBE, I like what heā€™s doing this game. It seems town motivated to me, so heā€™s a townread for me so far.

two bleeds in one day
who in tarnation does this


i believe this


both scumteams can bleed


So yep, Iā€™m bleeding right now, and you know what? Iā€™m fine with dying.