[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

with a knife

if frost stops posting heā€™s likely a wolf as well

oh no that would really suck

it would
stabby stabby

me laugh when cloned flips unseen

me laugh when you flip scum

leaning town on light and n but you can look at them in the future

crich, seth, tbe, frost, alice, leafia, whysper (asterisk ā€“ possible mechclearing bullshit), ash, italy ā€“ solid town for now

zone, magnus ā€“ mechtown (outed PRs. likely conversion targets just because they happen to be PRs. keep that in mind)

We have 9.5 hours before we decide who is getting executed today.

leaving a legacy in case i die tonight
i might not be around at eod because i would just be saying the same thing over and over
kill cloned first soul second but kill both always

/Vote Italy

Lets go for a italy push then

Iā€™m the decider here

and in case you think iā€™m scum pushing a misyeet
iā€™m crich slotā€™s n1 greencheck and i also have two wolf pelts
pretty sure iā€™m objectively one of the clearest slots in the game under these conditions
not to toot my own horn i just donā€™t want too much paranoia around

nah your good but not clean you can easily be bd just not likely hob

i would like to be added to allies so that i could at least prove myself because i refuse to be stuck in this place without people who arenā€™t complete willagers or outright gamethrowers ā€œres or dieā€ is a valid pressure tool that makes it literally impossible for me to be converted as long as i can
but if iā€™m not in allies to prove myself iā€™ll just res centuries
heā€™s the best revive target atm (because heā€™s literally the only one)

oh yeah
also, donā€™t listen to anything soul says, because heā€™s been lolcatting for the past ~60 posts of his and he continues to clog the thread with his bs

weā€™ve already established that soul is lolcatting

Hasnā€™t that been obvious for the past few hours?

Idc who the hell you lynch at this point jut want my flip to happen before hob gets a convert which is going to be sad 4 u should have accepted that Iā€™m dead weight while alive

no you are freaking out with alice rn in scum chat itā€™s funny

i find it surprising how thereā€™s a strong willage energy in this game and yet weā€™ve been killing wolves