[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

/vote Cloned

Real, tho I want people like Derps to actually start playing the game tomorrow as we’ll probably have at a convert tomorrow, two at a very worst case scenario.

revive someone tonight preferably, otherwise people are going to tinfoil that the revived player is converted because you’d been converted


that’d be a funny tinfoil when it’s literally, physically impossible

with the BD on their last member, and saint being a mirror to blasphemer, not soulcatcher
it’d be literally impossible for that to happen
but i’m clearly forgetting what site’s village this is

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If visionary survives and it’s D5 is when that’s first possible

most games don’t even last that long

really? Even in a 26’er?

Ik I’ve seen smaller FMs go to at least 7

Out of all people that got taken place, this guy is still here.

fol27 :upside_down_face:

Seeing how fast the wolves are dying, I’ll be surprised if the game lasts much longer than D4.

…? If you res Cent, then I won’t have to jail you.
If you fail to res Cent, then you will have to tell me what I told PKR.

let’s not get complacent
we have the yeet set in stone for today, but press on tomorrow regardless of who dies

Error: SyntaxError in post 5628 - Unable to parse

the game isn’t over until all the wolves have died
kill them all
my final message

The fuck are you talking about.

he’s saying derps is still on a stupid vanity wagon
i think

change da world

Can’t argue against that.
We’re doing well and with any luck, the wolves will be at -3 and even have BD out of the running.
Even in the best case scenario, we’ll probably have 3 starting HoB and convert to root out.

I actually can’t understand this post.

I am talking about replacements but whatever okay.