[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

but if he’s a killer, i die right

that’s fine

just remember what i said about my logs and how to detect whether or not they were altered

@Alice who do you want me to target tonight, to matchmake with CRich

arbiter is occ/red immune
are we that sure soul isn’t the arbiter

Methinks gorta

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I hope AtNo realizes that and exactly I am pointing out in case Cloned to flip Visionary then it’s quite powerless to redirect the arbiter unless it can be bypassed.

Yeah. …so? Italy can talk with the dead anyway.

Others can have good luck with that. I am not going to bother solving log puzzles.

Light will do. Don’t make her and Wazza say who they will kill.
It defeats the purpose of surprise, and HoB can potentially screw us over.

Nope, but if he is Arbiter, then he dies anyway, right?

arbiter is also death immune, unless you have some way to bypass that

also, that would still result in me getting converted, which is the worst possible outcome for me

It doesnt stop the conversion

The same thing goes to Visionary, redirection means the action will go elsewhere

It doesnt stop it from happening.

yes but the arbiter cannot be redirected, and is DI

so you gotta have confidence that soul isn’t the arbiter. because if he is, this plan accomplishes nothing since marauder has no way to beat occ/red immunity or death immunity

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Arbiter is DI

I highly doubt Soul is arbiter considering the gamble Soul is taking to survive and get a good convert by openwolfing

So what is it then?

I’m pretty confident that soul isn’t arbiter.

HoB doesn’t just give up their conv chance to the lynch like that

most likely HoB starting random

ok i guess

…? If he is DI, then we will execute him D3.
It’s the worst possible outcome for you… assuming HoB would bother converting you, that is.

I’m a dumbass

bureaucrat cannot cause the arbiter to be redirected

so whysper can’t actually redirect someone into converting me
because the visionary would get occupied and die
and the arbiter cannot be redirected

i am fine with this plan