[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Should I hammer or wait?

Urgh, I dont like that kind of smokescreen

However thereā€™s no restriction it should go to single faction only.

oh what

I thought everyone was still on soulā€™s wagon

We got like an hour left anyway, everything seems to be accomplished, sorry if people wanted to talk.

/vote cloned :hammer:

Silence! That is Hammer!


target mole, not me

everyone, remember what i said in which only i can prove my own identity via intimate information contained in my logs, in case i die tonight

Final VC

Voted Voters Votes
clonedcheese Vulgard, Leafia, Whysper, ash4fun, Italy, CRichard564, an_gorta_pratai, Frostwolf103, Alice, TheBlueElixir, N.1, Wazza 12/12
Alice SirDerpsALot 1/12
Soulshade55r Surge, ATNoName, clonedcheese 3/12
Italy Soulshade55r 1/12

ā€œSurely you realize that itā€™s not me!ā€ The man in a flowing purple cloak and intricate vestments declared, voice tense and nervous as the court turned on him, accusations of treason thrown his way from every side.

ā€œYou are a traitor and nothing less!ā€ Someone retorted from the side, quickly drowned out by a different voice. ā€œYouā€™ve been keeping quiet this whole day, and you were the last one seen with Centuries yesterday. You are probably some Crusader or even a Knight!ā€ At that, a wave of shocked gasps scattered through the crowd.
ā€œConfess and we might yet let you live,ā€ another person standing before clonedcheese ā€“ Wazza ā€“ offered diplomatically. ā€œIt does not have to end like this.ā€

ā€œThere is nothing to confess, because I am guiltless! Has anyone seen me conspire against the Unseen? Has anyone seen me defy the council? I dare them to step forward, now.ā€ He cast a look around him, but the court remained unconvinced by his desperate plea ā€“ after a short pause, their accusations resurfaced with a renewed vigor. All that clonedcheese could see were scowls and frowns, several people calling for his blood. With a sigh, he solemnly shook his head.

ā€œI see that thereā€™s no convincing you with words, then. So be it.ā€ He drew a small vial underneath his cloak, and before anyone could react, downed the colorless liquid inside it. As clonedcheese collapsed to the floor in agony, the court could only watch in shock as a Ministrel emblem rolled out of his pocket, glinting in the faint torchlight.

Clonedcheese has been executed! He wasā€¦

The Minstrel

Unseen Support
Pure Wits (Day) - In the coming night you will be immune to being occupied at night and immune to redirection. - 3 uses
Ballad (Night) - Cure a playerā€™s bleeding. They will also be occupation, redirection, conversion, and night immune tonight. - 2 uses :crown:
Crescendo (Night) - If your target is redirecting, occupying, or attacking, then they will bypass immunities during this night. - Infinite uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon and the Hand of Byzantium.


D1: NA
N1: NA
D2: Pure

The first two HoB are among the ones that were pushing me, and are the largest suspects; they are unwilling to reevaluate over a missed read, making them reek of agenda.They were loud and had thread control, thereby making it much harder to actually re-eval.These individuals are Vulgard,Leafia,Ash.

I dont care that you socially read them as town: their goal is to act as towny as possible and avoid the lynch.These three individuals, or at least a subset of them, have goals that do not align with town.

The last HoB can be found off of my wagon or switching to my wagon shortly before EoD, as an escape route if all else fails.The pool consists of N,Derps,Soul,nonvoters.

The visionary, to avoid attack, will either sheep or corroborate othersā€™ faulty arguments.As such, individuals switching between the two wagons today are suspicious: Italy,CRich,Gorta,and Frostwolf.

All these individuals have yet to be mechanically confirmed.Be suspicious, and constantly reevaluate others.

Day 2 has ended and Night 2 shall now begin! It will end at 2020-08-14T16:34:00Z. Deadline for submitting actions is an hour before SoD.




Amelia sat in the center of Adiartā€™s opulent library, buried deep in thought. Numerous tomes, ledgers and scrolls were organized neatly across the heavy oak table, one single volume sitting in the middle ā€“ a treatise on surrounding kingdoms. Several loud cracks broke the Mastermindā€™s focus, making her frown as the storm that began in the evening continued getting worse, thick veil of rain making it impossible to see anything outside the windows save for endless rivulets of water streaming down the thick glass.

Several louder crashes resonated in the distance as if to prove a point: the weather would not be getting better any soon, and so the Unseen were locked in together with their enemiesā€¦ or their enemies were locked in together with them. Amelia sighed, closing the book before her and standing up. It mustā€™ve been late ā€“ she would have to continue her research tomorrow.

Extinguishing all the torches and candles save for one, the Mastermind opened heavy oaken doors and ventured into the darkness, last candle held firmly in her hand. She did not feel particularly nervous, yet a sense of unease began creeping up her spine as she made her way past the great hall ā€“ something had caught her eye, making her stop in her tracks.

Just a few feet from the entrance stood a barrel, metal hoops reflecting the dancing light of her candle, the whole scene seeming completely bizarre and out of place. A potent smell of wine radiated from it, but that was not what caught Ameliaā€™s attention ā€“ as she stepped closer, she could see a body leaning inside the barrel, so much that only the back and the legs were visible.

Hastily moving to investigate, her suspicions were confirmed ā€“ whoever it was they were already dead, likely drowned in the same wine. The attire of the victim seemed almost familiar and Amelia froze for a moment, remembering that TheBlueElixir wore the same lavish coat in the court yesterday. She did not have time to ponder more, abruptly turning around as a sound of several people approaching was heard behind her.

Jane strode in with a group of guards in tow, their expression tinged with a faintest hint of worry. ā€œAmelia, there you are. I have bad news.ā€ The former Assassin stopped as soon as they caught a glimpse of the barrel ā€“ and the corpse ā€“ behind her, deep frown forming on their face. ā€œAnother one? Guards, find out who it is and get them into the medical ward. Amelia, please come with me.ā€
The Mastermind nodded without another word as Jane ushered the guards away, following them to the north tower where magic users of the Unseen resided.

As soon as they stepped into the main study, they were greeted with a sight of three bloodied figures, all suspended in the air. For a moment Amelia wondered if her eyes were deceiving her: all three corpses were wearing the same set of clothes and had exactly same features ā€“ features of the courtā€™s newest Illusionist, Intensify.
ā€œThose are illusions, then.ā€ She stated to herself after a pause, before turning on her heel and walking out. ā€œWe should find someone who can get him down and alert everyone again. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if there are more.ā€ Jane merely nodded at that, following her.

Janeā€™s suspicions would prove correct not even an hour later, as they stumbled upon two final corpses: clad in gilded plate and carrying shields depicting a hand on it, Light and Soulshade were found pinned to the massive front doors of the castle, nine swords of varying sizes piercing each of their bodies like a mockery of crucifixion. The blood on the blades was still warm when Unseen discovered them, yet despite their best efforts whoever had killed them managed to escape.

Thunder and rain still raged on as night changed into morning, a few more superstitious members denouncing it as a bad omen. Nonetheless, the Unseen would have to figure out the massacre that happened during the night if they planned to overcome their enemies.

TheBlueElixir was killed during the night! He wasā€¦

The Alcoholic

Unseen Offensive
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become King count as two for you.
I Am The Liquor (Passive) - You are occupation and redirection immune and keep this passive if your class changes.
Debauchery (Night) - Redirect a player to another. You can make a player visit yourself. You are only seen visiting the first player. - Infinite uses
Happy Hour (Night) - Remove a playerā€™s occupation and night immunity, then occupy them. - 2 uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon and the Hand of Byzantium.


n1 hh cheese
n2 hh soul

we all thought alice might be a wolf d1 but wouldnt execute them on d1

well? if they survive tonight, actually re-eval her.

I think clonedā€™s gaming revolves around scum actually planning out votes in scumchat, but there is a lack of solid PoE and thats a place to start

sorry i didnt do my part this game

frost/mole/SDA/Wazza/whysper/alice; re-eval these (ignoring mechanics)

Intensify was killed during the night! He wasā€¦

The Illusionist

Unseen Social
Telepathy (Day) - Send an anonymous 1000 character message to target player. You may not target the King with this - 3 uses
Link Destinies (Night) - Two target players will benefit from the same positive and negative effects other than killing and conversion tonight, like healing or occupation. - Infinite uses
Defeat the Blue Dragon and the Hand of Byzantium.


Intensify - Illusionist

N1 - Lonk Alice and TBE
N2 - Jailed
I totally forgot I could have telepathed Zoneā€¦ sorry, I screwed up there. I hope that doesnā€™t screw up too much things, assuming Soul is Visionary.
Vully is like the only person I have my eyes on. Watch them carefully. Whether Italy self-resolves or not, play accordingly and safely, always reevaulate people that have survived for quite a while. I was planning on self-targetting with LD to heal my bleedā€¦ and then make scum think I was a healerā€¦but you canā€™t self target so rip.

Soulshade55r was killed during the night! He wasā€¦

The Arbiter :shield: :crossed_swords:

Hand of Byzantium Special

Battle-Tested (Passive) - You are passively:

  • Immune to death at night.
  • You are occupation and redirection immune. This effect is kept upon class change

Inside Seclusion (Passive) - You have access to the following effects:

  • At the start of the game or when promoting to arbiter, you can choose any class to appear as to investigative abilties.
  • Each night you may submit 1-2 players who you will to appear to visit to investigative abilities. If none are chosen you will appear to visit your real target.
  • You may choose one day ability from any non-unique Unseen to add to your classcard.
  • Should the starting or second arbiter die, the original champion or third starting member will take your place. There can never be a fourth arbiter by any means.

Imperial Urgency (Day) - Become the Champion at the start of the night; if there is a current Champion, if they are the original Champion, they were the third starting member, or they were promoted from a Socialite, they will become the new Arbiter; if not, they will become their convert class again. Cannot be used before day 4. - One use

Confiscated Funds (Day) - If your target has 0 uses in any limited usage abilities, silently add an extra use to them. One use

Entrust (Night) - Convince someone to join the Hand of Byzantium. - Infinite uses, Two night cooldown on success, unusable Night 1

Imperial Judgment (Night) - Target a player. You may redirect them to another player, or redirect them to themself. If they are redirected to themself, they will instead be occupied. You will also know who visits them. - Infinite Uses
Defeat the Unseen and the Blue Dragon.

He left no discernable logs

Light was killed during the night! He wasā€¦

The Crusader

Hand of Byzantium Killer
Providence (Day) - You will appear to investigators as a member of the Unseen tonight. - 3 uses
Heavenly Devotion (Day) - If a player is executed today, you will be executed instead and make that playerā€™s first accuser start bleeding. They will die in two nights if not healed. - One use
Hand of God (Night) - Guard a player. If they are visited tonight, you will make all of their visitors start bleeding without preventing their actions. The bleeding players will die in two nights if not healed. - 3 uses :crown:
Deus Vult (Night) - Sacrifice your life to attack the King, bypassing all forms of healing and immunities. If you are occupied or redirected, this ability will fail but your use of it will be refunded. - One use :crown:
Defeat the Unseen and the Blue Dragon.

He left no discernable logs

Centuries has been Resurrected!

Night 2 has ended and Day 3 will now begin! It will end at 2020-08-16T16:51:00Z. With 18 players alive, majority is 10. You may now post!


I was just bled at night. I die tomorrow night. (N3)

Unless itā€™s from town, I think this confirms the existance of the Crusader?

since SoD is slow I checked and fanatic is the only one who can do that and it doesnt work on town.
Unless thereā€™s a bleeder thatā€™s not Killer type.

So yeah last starting HoB is Crusader.

Both the crusader and I targeted Wazza last night

hurrrrg when will day start i have to use the restroomā€¦


Haha, heck yes.

ooh crusader flipped

Me and Alice killed Light and Soul respectively.

Gg ez.

okay I gtg for a bit now


itā€™s goldenrod, not yellow you donā€™t have to color Crusader every time you say it

I am alive

And those guys arenā€™t

how cool is that