[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

this post is making me think he’s scared of my claim for some reason because he’s the only one currently in thread who seems to care

I wasn’t jailed though


I was also going to ask if whysper claimed

i said “for some reason”
this wasn’t a good thought

if alice still has immunity it’s a perfectly safe shot
and if wazza is fake
boom bye scum

None of my thoughts are good what’s ur point

Incarcerated by Magnus.


Confirm that you did or did not jail mole tonight?

i cant

i have to cycle through every ability

Aaaaa, I already said my target.

Excuse me?

it’s big brain when you give it thought

Hold up Alice,

The idea Leafia and Wazza is suppose to be involved in yes? How exactly are they meant to do that?

the way pk acted in dead chat

visionary probably was a poe person / jail target

Wazza has a confirmed kill on an HoB member while BD had only 1 player alive. He’s a Marauder.

No, no it really isn’t.

I’ve literally killed a BD and a HoB.

frost is ccing the kill

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Moleland Alice 1/10

Are…you okay?

can i claim or is the thread too chaotic
it feels chaotic

most certainly not