[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

Hmmm, slight scumlean honestly. Out of him, Derps, and Vulgard, if they only have one scum in them, it’s probably Gorta.

I would prefer to Execute Vul but if I have to die for it whatever

Ah yeah, the poor Alcoholic, it wouldnt be possible without him.

Thing is Mole claims to be able to back SDA’s claim.

Unless a Sage speaks up who strongwilled Vulgard, then it’s basically both Mole and Derps’ word against Vulgard.

I didn’t even remember what my class was called till 3 min ago so like

Why do you think that?

Well, a Crusader just died, but it seems that you ought to have until N4?
Can someone explain what happened here?

Okay, so we got no HoB conversion last night, leaving us only with HoB Champion, BD Visionary and BD Heroine. Am I correct?

Wait. Champion became new Arbiter?

it was a bad joke i can’t blame you for not getting it

I am an Aristocrat. Leafia and I switched claims n1.

you said maurader
the class is marauder
haha funni

crusader and arbiter are both dead
it’s just champion–>arbiter and visionary+potential heroine vs the entirety of the unseen

Vul are you panicking

ok tbh

i could see vulgard as hob

just hyper focusing on finding bd after being bled

in hope for a bleed

Kind of curious how you stopped it now.


idk actually


aight, i think this is enough
i rescind the claim
i don’t want this day to be a mess

i think derps is still legit and not converted

i did that because derps and gorta were both in thread and not the focal point of discussion
i wanted to see how they would react when i thunderdomed them

derps isn’t lying about occing me night 1 by the way, i will say that much

i… don’t know what to think about gorta’s reaction
i think it’s >rand v actually? like, the way he just seemed so lost and confused felt pure
he didn’t immediately push on either of us or anything
but i could be wrong

and i repeat, i do not have any results. i lied because i wanted to see reactions

mole’s backing-up of derps’ action is >rand v on its own too, actually, if we disregard everything else

Nah bro fuck off wirh that

There’s one HoB and two BD, corrrect. Well I am not even sure who’s Visionary this point.

Is your claim the same @vu

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