[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!

They forgot to pull it out in the moment of climax huh

I meanā€¦ you can kill and he can reap souls.
Is that not a good enough combination?

Wha-- why? Both Visionary and Arbiter can literally disguise themselves as whatever they want.

Shut up, scum king. Nobody CCs Lightā€™s kill, and thus he is 100% town.

maybe entire wolves team being lhf
and one being occed on convert night
and both of them yeeting me n1
isnt the plan

In the late game when the town no longer has majority yes.
Early game, both scum factions have an uneasy alliance because they need night kill numbers to whittle down the town.

I was talking about Italy getting souls because Wazza is bleeding out, but whatever

And not accidentally voting scum early on, my suspicions on N.1 is exactly that.

i think i would like people to weigh in on 3 things total

  1. gortaā€™s reaction to my fps ā€“ w or v?
  2. whysper/gorta/n/ash: who is the wolf? there is always at least one wolf here i think
  3. i didnā€™t think that far ahead

iā€™ve already answered all 3 2 of these so iā€™m going to wait for other responses
it would be best if you explained why instead of just saying ā€œxā€ or ā€œyā€

bc like

ok i can occ

but since i dont endgame i have no use in killing rn

and occing is better off tomorrow night

/vote mole

because if this is BD we can rule out converts

bold of you to assume the game is going to last long enough for italy to run out of souls

also i have guilt so i might aswell hold onto it

Mole canā€™t be visionary since Alice just got bled by someone other than Surge

oh, didnt think of that

ik vis can abdicate to heroine, can they do that if gheyre the only one?

Nah, you gotta wait until start of the night to be heroine, but I donā€™t see Mole planning that far ahead

I donā€™t get what this means, but if itā€™s sarcasm, then good for you. Well done.

Oh. That works too. ā€¦wait, so Italy can choose freely between Wazza and ash4fun?

Have you considered a world where you might die tonight because either Italy or yourself get killed, and/or we misexe and Arbiter gets a conversion which might be prevented?

How exactly canā€™t Mole be Visionary?
ā€“oh. Right. Conversion + Heroine + Mole Incarcerated. ā€¦though to be fair, we never got a confirmation from @Magnus whether he did his job or not.

At least N.1 is caught

I lose most of my abilities when I kill Unseen

Since I used Mittelhau, it would be difficult to redirect.

If scum yeets me when I never endgame in a scum win

its their fault

fairly sure i dont gotta occ since we have enough stuff covered