[SFoL] SFoL 63 - Triple Threat: Virtuous - Game Over (4/26) - Blue Dragon (evils) win!


Well duh because L1ght flipped HoB.

bangs head against desk

nope, this is talking to a brickwall.

Why would I question N.1’s results when L1ght flipped HoB.

No I think it’s you who isn’t understanding here.

My change was to play the game seriously and contribute, and that’s what I did. FWIW I did my part in kidnapping Intensify and letting him bleed to death to clear himself.

Aye. To be even more precise, he was compatible with Light according to N.1, and CRich himself claims that he greenchecked Light.

I swear to god you guys don’t understand what I mean.

That greencheck was false because L1ght tailored himself.
Do I need to explain more?

Idk I feel like this is all explained by CRich understanding what happened when N.1 claimed, and then TMI-slipping the actual untailored result when talking about it later…

It can’t be a misunderstanding though since he should know ANY HANDMAIDEN would get the result of Compatible!

Except that’s public information after L1ght flipped.

  • CRich knew Light was tailored to turn out Unseen.
  • CRich should know he is Unseen.
  • CRich should know the result via him and Light should appear as Compatible because of this.
  • CRIch thinks it showed as Incompatible even when Compatible is literally the ONLY RESULT based on his information but didn’t try call out the Handmaiden (Which would’ve been incorrect)

Does no one use their brains here? It’s public info that 1. L1ght flipped Hob and 2. N.1 and my result prove he tailored himself.

…welp. CRich is going to lose this one argument alright, since N.1 said that CRich was compatible with Light. …it’s almost like watching D2 Wazza not understand that a Marauder attacking Wazza N1 would survive the night.


No dude it’s you who isn’t understanding this.

I swear I need to cool off, this is pissing me off and I wanted to not get toxic this game.

Dude, you’re acting dense as hell.

does it have to do with the 4th point

It’s probably best you do that then.

I’ve explained my point beyond countless times, you’re the one who claimed a result and then claimed another result from another player which would never ever be possible.

Okay, let me slow this down for you.

You got an Unseen result on Light, correct?